Natural Remedies

Tropical Popsicles with Pineapple and Coconut
Score some points with the kids at your house (and maybe the grown ups, too!)...

Fresh Basil Pesto
There's just something magical about pesto. It's a simple combination that packs a powerful punch....

How to Prune Basil for the Best Flavor
Basil may possibly be the best loved garden herb. Even people who don’t have a...

How to Save Kale Seed (and Why I Probably Won’t Do It Again)
On a whim this spring, I decided to allow several overwintered vegetable plants to go...

DIY Wooden Raised Garden Beds
Any way you look at it, raised garden beds are my favorite way to grow...

How to Plant a Fruit Tree Guild
Imagine an orchard that produces a variety of beautiful fruits each year, adds beauty to...

Fresh Carrot Top Pesto
I am so excited about this carrot top pesto! Not only is it delicious, it's...

My Simple No Till Gardening Method
What's the best way to create a new garden space? I get this question all...

How to Pinch Pepper Plants (and why)
Do you know how to pinch pepper plants? I recently learned how to pinch off...

How to Build a Raspberry Trellis
Wondering how to build a raspberry trellis for your backyard berries? (more…)

Let’s Make It More Than a Meal
When someone starts peddling food that is easy or fast or convenient, I tend to...

Paleo Spaghetti Squash Pie
This paleo spaghetti squash pie combines meat, veggies, and loads of flavor for a hearty...