
This Changed My Homesteading Game

This Changed My Homesteading Game

It might surprise you to know... (more…)
Why Our Chickens Stopped Laying

Our Chickens Stopped Laying…And It’s All Our Fault

Our chickens stopped laying, and we couldn't figure out why. (more…)
How to Raise Pastured Poultry

How to Raise Pastured Poultry, Part 2: DIY Chicken Tractor

Your baby chicks have arrived and you've got them all settled into their new DIY...
The Real Cost of Raising Meat Birds: Year Two

The Real Cost of Raising Meat Birds: Year Two

Our second year of raising meat birds was filled with ups and downs.   Mostly ups,...
Our Big Meat Bird Mistake: How We Accidentally Killed 35 Chickens

Our Big Meat Bird Mistake: How We Accidentally Killed 35 Chickens

I almost don't even want to share our great big costly meat bird mistake of...
The Real Cost of Raising Meat Birds | Roots & Boots

The Real Cost of Raising Meat Birds: Year One

What is the real cost of raising meat birds?  Is it worth it? For my...
How to Raise Pastured Poultry

How to Raise Pastured Poultry, Part 1: DIY Brooder Pen

It's going to be a crazy next few months, y'all, what with moving, installing new...
Best Livestock Guardian Dog for Chickens | Roots & Boots

The Best Livestock Guardian Dog for Chickens

Note from Kathleen: Today I'm welcoming my favorite guest post husband, Mr. Native Texan! ...
How to Raise Pastured Poultry

Our 2017 Homesteading Year in Review

2017 was a big homesteading year for us.  Most notably, it was our first year to...
essential oils for chickens

Top 8 Essential Oils for Chickens

Have you ever wondered if you can use essential oils for chickens? (more…)
Guinea Coop

This Year’s Garden Experiment: A Headless Chicken & The Great Guinea Massacre

Warning: The following tale is not for the faint of heart. As you might have guessed...

This Year’s Garden Experiments: Organic Bug Control

  If you've been following along with our Garden Experiments, you may know that we've experienced a...