Beauty & Body Reusable Cloth Pads Review I'm sure you've heard about the unhealthy materials used to produce disposable sanitary products for... How to Make Your Concealer Last Longer (and My Favorite Brand) Do you use the kind of concealer that comes in a tube, like lip gloss?... My Skin Care Routine {The Oil Cleansing Method} After several years of experimentation, I've finally landed on a great skin care routine. Today... How to Choose a Safer Sunscreen Do you know what's in your sunscreen? Do you know what's in your baby's sunscreen?... Why Goat Milk Soap is Good for Your Skin Goat milk soap is wonderfully nourishing for all skin types, and is particularly helpful for eczema and... Hazelaid Teething Jewelry {Discount & Giveaway} Several of you have noticed Baby Brother's teething necklace and have asked where it's from.... Overnight Leak Protection: Certified Organic Absorbent Cloth Diapers Have I mentioned how much we love cloth diapering with wool? We're now several months in, and... Cloth Diapering with Wool: Disana Boiled Wool Wrap I love this wool wrap! It's amazingly leak-proof and the velcro closure makes for a... Easy Sugar Scrub Fights Winter Blues and Dry Skin Sugar scrubs are one of my favorite gifts to make with essential oils. This multitasking recipe... Coming Up: Black Friday Deals Be sure to stop by on Black Friday to check out the great deals... Essential Oils: Humidifier vs Diffuser Essential Oils: Humidifier vs Diffuser Can I Use Essential Oils in My Humidifier? This question... Essential Oils for Clear Skin I love to use essential oils on my face, and have had good success... My New, Simpler Version of Essential Oils Deodorant for Men A while back, Mr. Native Texan made the switch from his mainstream deodorant (bleh) to this... Reader Q&A: How to Make Your Own On Guard Blend 'Tis the season for On Guard! I received several questions about this powerful blend via... Baby Wipe Spray {with essential oils} As you know, we are now cloth diapering. As I hoped, it got much easier... 1 2 3 4 5 LOAD MORE