How to Choose a Safer Sunscreen

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Do you know what’s in your sunscreen?
Do you know what’s in your baby’s sunscreen?
Did you know the skin is the body’s largest organ, absorbing everything we rub, spray, or slather onto it?
Read more about that here: Sunscreen: Does it Work? Is it Safe?
How to Choose a Safer Sunscreen
If you’re not sure which sunscreen to use, don’t worry. Every year at about this time, the Environmental Working Group puts out a Sunscreen Guide with helpful tips, a list of safe sunscreens and even a Hall of Shame for the most toxic varieties.
One of the best features is the search bar which allows you to look up your own sunscreen to see its rating. I’m relieved to note that our favorite line of sunscreen still carries a safe rating.
Check out this year’s Sunscreen Guide here: EWG’s 2015 Guide to Sunscreens.
What’s your favorite safe sunscreen?

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Conventional sunscreens can be so toxic! We use virgin coconut oil, applied liberally on the skin, and also taken internally, prevents sunburn, without blocking beneficial vitamin D and helpful UV rays.
Also, taking crushed flaxseed helps prevent sunburn (can’t take during pregnancy, though).
My husband had used toxic sunscreens for years, and developed little lumps all along his forearms, under his skin. These have only just this year disappeared after using coconut oil daily on his skin.
Those are great tips, Heidi. Thanks!