Easy Sugar Scrub Fights Winter Blues and Dry Skin

Easy Sugar Scrub

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Sugar scrubs are one of my favorite gifts to make with essential oils.  This multitasking recipe fights both winter blues and dry, winter skin.  Plus, it smells great.

3 Reasons to Love Sugar Scrubs:

  1. Easy: only 3 ingredients!
  2. Inexpensive: the perfect gift for teachers, neighbors, hostesses, etc.
  3. Effective: sugar exfoliates, coconut oil moisturizes and essential oil adds therapeutic benefits.

During the winter, I won’t be caught without a cute little jar of sugar scrub by my kitchen sink and in the shower.  Daily use really helps to keep my hands soft all winter long.  Bonus: Pair a moisturizing sugar scrub with this awesome hard lotion, and your hands will be all set for the winter.

Rosemary Bergamot Sugar Scrub | Yankeehomestead.comBergamot & Rosemary: A Winning Combination

Last week, I whipped up a batch with this new combination of essential oils: Bergamot and Rosemary.

Both oils have a pleasant smell, but I chose them for their therapeutic value:

  • Bergamot is well known among the citrus oils for its uplifting qualities.  It can help to lessen sad and anxious feelings.
  • Rosemary helps reduce nervous tension and fatigue, and combines nicely with Bergamot.  Plus, it supports healthy immune function.

Sugar Scrub Make & Take | Yankeehomestead.comHow To

It’s up to you, but I like to use a ratio of approximately 2:1 for my sugar scrubs.  Two parts sugar to one part coconut oil.

The amount of essential oil is also a personal preference.  For one cup of sugar scrub (which fills (2) 4-oz. jars), try 10-20 drops of EO.

I love the glass salve jars available in several sizes from AromaTools, but 4 oz. quilted jelly jars work well, too.

More Ideas 


What’s your favorite combination of oils for sugar scrubs?


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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