The Perfect Garden Project for Kids

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Looking for a fun and easy garden project for kids? Plant a sunflower house!
There’s something magical about seeds–stick them in the ground and then a plant appears. And there’s something even more magical about sunflower seeds–such a tall and beautiful flower from such small beginnings.
Planting sunflower seeds always reminds me a bit of Jack and the Beanstalk.
If you have yet to grow sunflowers with kids, why not give it a try this year?
3 Reasons to Plant a Sunflower House
- Any (sunny) space will do.
Plant one anywhere! No big yard required. Our sunflower house is 6 x 9, but you can easily adjust the size to fit your yard. - Easy to grow.
Sunflowers do not require special treatment. Perfect for kids! - Your kids will love it!
Kids love to help, and this garden project is totally kid-friendly. Involve them as much as possible, and they’ll be thrilled with the results.
Sunflower House: An Annual Tradition
This will be our third year to plant a sunflower house. Since I am neither pregnant nor nursing a baby, I’m rooting for our best sunflower house ever!
Sunflower House #1
The first year’s sunflower house never acquired a roof. But the sunflower walls turned out well, and it was a great start to our annual tradition.
For the record, I was in the beginning stages of labor during that planting session. We got those seeds in the ground in the nick of time!
Sunflower House #2
The second year’s sunflower house was planted a bit too late.
On the upside, we made major progress with the roof. The morning glories climbed up the walls and sort of climbed across the string grid overhead.
On the downside, Mr. Native Texan accidentally mowed down several tall, strong sunflowers in the most conspicuous part of the poor little house. I actually watched it happen.
It was like one of those slow motion video clips, or a bad dream, or a really bad joke.
Notice how easy it is to see into the sunflower house in the picture above? That’s because part of the house is missing.
I can laugh about it now, but at the time I was livid not very happy with you-know-who.
Sunflower House #3
And now, my friends, it’s time to plant Sunflower House #3.
I am determined to have a substantial morning glory roof this year. Mr. Native Texan is determined to keep a safe distance between his snazzy zero turn lawnmower and the beloved sunflower house.
Third time’s a charm, right?
Update: Sunflower House #3 is pictured below, before the roof had grown in. We relocated it out by the garden and chicken coops.
Now is the perfect time to start planning your sunflower house. It’s the perfect garden project for kids! To get ready, you’ll want to:
- purchase seeds
- choose a location
- gather supplies
For details and instructions, read this: How to Plant a Sunflower House.
After you’ve enjoyed your sunflowers, it’s fun to Harvest Sunflower Seeds for Re-Planting & Gift-Giving.
Note: In our neck of the woods (northern VA), the best time to plant outdoors is after the first full moon in May. If you’re new to gardening, check with your favorite local gardener or local garden resource.
Have you planted sunflowers with your kids? Or grown a sunflower house? What other great garden projects for kids have you tried?

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