Vintage Diaper-Changing Station

Changing Table

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  And yet another example of why I love to decorate with junk…..

Little Brother is actually potty trained now, but he still wears a diaper for sleeping purposes.  When we no longer need the changing pad, I’ll probably use the top of the sideboard as a bookshelf or display space.

I love the way this turned out!  

  • The awesome, antique sideboard came from that same, generous couple I mentioned in this post: Why I Decorate With Junk.  It was FREE.
  • The appliqued cloth diaper was a baby gift from a friend.  I mounted it in an oak frame from Hobby Lobby.  (I can’t remember the price of the frame, but I’m sure I bought it at 40% off with a sale or coupon and spent no more than $20).
  • The red Lil’ Buckaroo sign came from the awesome, local Goodwill store back in Texas.  I think it was $1.50.
  • The wooden knob (from which the Buckaroo sign hangs) was a random treasure from my husband’s shop out back.  (And if you’ve ever wondered how to attach a knob to the wall, stay tuned for that post, coming up…).
  • The fabulous, vintage first aid kit was a prize find at a local antique shop.  It was exactly what I needed to complete the space!  And it’s super-functional, to boot!  I think I paid $25 for it, which was a bit of a splurge.
  • We use canvas bins to store clothing inside the sideboard, sort of like drawers.  We also keep a trashcan on one of the bottom shelves.  The bins were baby gifts; the basket-turned-trashcan came from a local thrift shop for a few dollars.  [Update: see pictures below for an inside view.]
  • Oh, and the changing pad and cover were baby gifts, too.
  • The red, metal caddy and the lined baby-wipes-basket were also thrift store finds, and of course I can’t remember their prices.  Not more than a few dollars total.

Grand total:  approx. $35–$50 (depending on the prices of the frame and thrift store items)

Inside view of changing “table.”

Sock bin (with Algerian font)


This is SO PERFECT for storing essential oils! Out of reach of Little Brother, and with a handy pull-down surface which functions like a little shelf during oil-dispensing.

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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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