Vintage Diaper-Changing Station
11/16/2012 / /

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And yet another example of why I love to decorate with junk…..
Little Brother is actually potty trained now, but he still wears a diaper for sleeping purposes. When we no longer need the changing pad, I’ll probably use the top of the sideboard as a bookshelf or display space.
I love the way this turned out!
- The awesome, antique sideboard came from that same, generous couple I mentioned in this post: Why I Decorate With Junk. It was FREE.
- The appliqued cloth diaper was a baby gift from a friend. I mounted it in an oak frame from Hobby Lobby. (I can’t remember the price of the frame, but I’m sure I bought it at 40% off with a sale or coupon and spent no more than $20).
- The red Lil’ Buckaroo sign came from the awesome, local Goodwill store back in Texas. I think it was $1.50.
- The wooden knob (from which the Buckaroo sign hangs) was a random treasure from my husband’s shop out back. (And if you’ve ever wondered how to attach a knob to the wall, stay tuned for that post, coming up…).
- The fabulous, vintage first aid kit was a prize find at a local antique shop. It was exactly what I needed to complete the space! And it’s super-functional, to boot! I think I paid $25 for it, which was a bit of a splurge.
- We use canvas bins to store clothing inside the sideboard, sort of like drawers. We also keep a trashcan on one of the bottom shelves. The bins were baby gifts; the basket-turned-trashcan came from a local thrift shop for a few dollars. [Update: see pictures below for an inside view.]
- Oh, and the changing pad and cover were baby gifts, too.
- The red, metal caddy and the lined baby-wipes-basket were also thrift store finds, and of course I can’t remember their prices. Not more than a few dollars total.
Grand total: approx. $35–$50 (depending on the prices of the frame and thrift store items)

This is SO PERFECT for storing essential oils! Out of reach of Little Brother, and with a handy pull-down surface which functions like a little shelf during oil-dispensing.
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