Real Food for Husbands and Children
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There are so many fantastic Real Food blogs out there that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. For a long time I didn’t follow many blogs at all, because the sheer volume of information was more than I could handle.
Now that I’ve got my feet under me, so to speak, and now that I’m pushing myself to be a better blogger and a better Real Foodie, I’ve found it helpful to follow several top notch food and nutrition blogs.
This is one of them: 100 Days of Real Food, by Lisa Leake.
Two recent 100 Days posts in particular have really stuck with me. One deals with husbands, the other with kids.
Real Food for Husbands {getting them on board}
This topic comes up frequently in my conversations with married ladies. Can you relate?
I love the insights and tips from Lisa’s husband Jason in Guest Post from my Husband: Real Food from a Man’s Perspective. He answers several common questions, including
“How do I change my husband’s eating habits without constantly nagging and lecturing him?”
This question assumes you have made the decision to eat real food, but are having difficulty getting your spouse and/or family on board. For the ladies out there I’ll try to fill you in from my perspective as a man. [Read full article here.]
Real Food for Kids {it won’t ruin them}
I really appreciated the comments she shared in Raising Our Kids on a Healthy Diet is Not Going to Ruin Them, from folks who grew up eating whatever they wanted (i.e., junk). If you’ve struggled with the following warning or similar sentiments, I think this post will encourage you.
We’ve all heard the warning, “If you are too restrictive with your kids’ food choices now, it will backfire later!”
There may be some truth to that and I do personally strive for a “healthy” (and guilt-free) balance when my own kids want to indulge, BUT what I did notice yesterday…are the stories I think a lot of us don’t hear enough and also serve as a GREAT reminder to keep instilling healthy habits in our kids (despite the naysayers many of us have in our lives)… [Read full post here.]
If you haven’t done so already, go check out 100 Days of Real Food. You’ll be glad you did!
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