12 Ways to Use Clove Oil

12 Ways to Use Clove Oil | Roots & Boots

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Clove oil gives off a warm, spicy aroma that always reminds me of fall and the holidays.  But clove oil also provides important health benefits.

12 Ways to Use Clove Oil | Roots & Boots

From immune support to cardiovascular health to dental care and more, here are 12 ways to use this powerful oil…

Pssst! If you prefer watching videos over reading a blog post, here’s my video with 8 ways to use clove oil.

12 ways to use clove oil

    1. Teething: dilute and rub on gums
    2. Mouth discomfort: dilute and rub on gums (Try it for dental procedures!)
    3. Oral health: add 1 drop to your toothbrush daily, add a drop to your toothpaste, add 1 drop to your coconut oil for oil pulling, swish 1 drop in water daily
    4. Irritated throat: gargle with 1-2 drops Clove in a cup of warm water
    5. Skin bumps: for stubborn skin bumps that are fungal in nature, apply 1 drop daily, undiluted
    6. Splinters: apply 1 drop (and then wait a bit) to help draw out a splinter12 Ways to Use Clove Oil | Roots & Boots
    7. Head bugs: make a spray of Melaleuca & Clove – 3 drops each in 8 oz spray bottle of water
    8. Antioxidant + Immune support: take internally in a capsule, in a glass of water, or dilute and apply topically
    9. Cardiovascular support: take internally in a capsule
    10. Thyroid health: combine 5 drops Clove, 5 drops Lemongrass, 5 drops Blue Tansy, 8 drops Myrrh in a 10 ml roller and apply to base of throat daily
    11. Elderberry Syrup: I have substituted a few drops of Clove oil if I happen to be out of whole cloves.
    12. Diffuser blends:

October Breeze

  • 4 drops Siberian Fir
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 2 drops Douglas Fir
  • 1 drops Clove

Home Sweet Home

  • 3 drops Tangerine
  • 3 drops Rosemary
  • 1 drops Clove

How do you like to use Clove oil?



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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Bob giordano on 04/16/2020 at 2:41 am

    For mouth rinse, exactly how much water to use with 2 drops each of Tea Tree and Clove Oil?
    Also, with a carrier oil like coconut Oil, exactly how much of this do you use while adding how many drops of Clove Oil to rub on the gums?
    These exact recipes or dilutions aren’t given in the video or blog.

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