Essential Oils for Warts

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Today I’m going to share an essential oils magic trick with you: essential oils for warts.
Lately, my boys have been obsessed with magic tricks. Their new favorite thing to do is to watch amazing magic clips on YouTube with Mr. Native Texan.
They even roped me into watching a few of the best clips, and I must admit it’s pretty fascinating! We all sit there scratching our heads, trying to figure out how the magician makes something appear or disappear out of thin air.
What’s the trick? How did he do that??
Essential Oils Magic Trick
Similarly, I can’t believe how quickly and effectively this essential oils “magic trick” worked for a filiform wart on my son’s toe. It was quick and easy, painless and effective.
If you just want to know the best essential oils for warts, simply scroll to the end of this post. If you want more details, read on.
Also, I should warn you that this post does contain pictures of an icky wart and hairy little toes with untrimmed toenails. Sorry about that.
Around October, Middle Bro, age 7, began to complain that his pinky toe was bothering him. I checked it out and it just seemed like a little blister, so I suggested he apply Lavender or Melaleuca. Both are well known essential oils for clear skin.
The sore never went away. In fact, it kept growing. Wearing socks and shoes became problematic since the growth was on top of his pinky toe. All the usual skin oils didn’t seem to be helping.
(Please excuse the ghastly toenails in these photos. Yikes, someone really should trim those!)
Finally, a large dog accidentally stamped on Middle Bro’s toe and the growth burst open and sort of ripped off. Great, we thought. It’s gone.
But no, the growth came back, this time with multiple heads. It was so disgusting! And it just kept getting bigger and bigger. Or, to be more accurate, taller and taller. See photo above.
Long story short, we finally realized it was fungal and began applying 1 drop Clove oil (undiluted) every day. After troubling him for months, the wart immediately began to shrink and was completely gone in 2-3 weeks. Just like magic.
Hooray! This is yet another example of why I’m so thrilled to have these natural solutions at my fingertips. With the right tools, I have the ability to support most of my family’s health needs without even leaving the house. #momwin
Essential Oils for Warts
Click here for my favorite way to purchase essential oils.
Apply 1 drop undiluted oil to affected area daily. It’s important to apply undiluted essential oil directly to the wart, while avoiding the surrounding skin. Consistency is key!
Clove oil worked well for us, but Oregano and Melaleuca are other oils to consider. Exercise caution with these oils (especially Oregano) as they are considered “hot” oils and can irritate the skin when used undiluted.
Update: Several years later, we experienced a different type of wart with a different child. With several growths located around his eye, strong oils like Clove and Oregano seemed like a bad idea. Instead, we used a Frankincense Touch roller. Once again, we were amazed at how quickly the growths disappeared.
And there you have it: the best essential oils for warts. Quick, easy, painless, effective.
Have you tried a natural remedy for warts?

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Going to try this. How long did it take for the wart to be gone? Thank you for your blog. You offer so many common sense, practical ways to do things. Take care!
Is this safe for a 2 y/o?
you know I haven’t use them for a wart, but for old afe spots in both of my handsI used Oregano about two-three years ago, and the spots disappear as magical also. so I do believe very much in their power of healing.
good to know!
Did you leave it uncovered after applying the drop of oil each day or did you cover with a bandage? I just found this post today and it is very helpful so thank you for sharing!
We left it uncovered.