Which Diffuser is Right for You? {Part One}


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I’ve received quite a few questions lately about choosing a diffuser.
It’s time to answer your questions!

In this three-part series, I will:

  1. Explain what to look for in a diffuser for your essential oils.
  2. Share which diffusers I’ve tried, along with those I’ve heard rave reviews about and one I’d like to try.
  3. Provide pictures of how and where we use diffusers in our home, along with a few tips I’ve learned along the way.

There are so many options when it comes to diffusers–choosing one can be overwhelming!  

Not to worry–I’m here to help. 🙂

The following list–based on my own experience and opinions–provides a brief breakdown of the main features you’ll want to consider before selecting a diffuser.

Diffuser Features to Consider

  • Method–You want a diffuser that uses cool air to diffuse the oils, as opposed to heat.  Heat damages the beneficial properties of essential oils.
  • Plastic vs. Glass–The more expensive diffusers use glass for the parts that come into direct contact with the oils, or they allow you to diffuse directly from the actual oil bottle.  More affordable diffusers use plastic parts, which is fine–just keep in mind that the oils will eventually affect the plastic.  Over time, plastic parts can become cloudy or discolored.  (Just like with food storage: if you store tomato-based foods in plastic containers time after time, the container eventually becomes stained.  Of course, this doesn’t happen with glass containers.)
  • Timer functions–This is a big deal to me–especially for diffusers that will be used in the bedroom, where you want to diffuse oils all night.  Generally speaking, the more expensive the diffuser, the more timer settings it will offer.
  • Size and shape–This doesn’t necessarily affect the diffuser’s performance, but if you’ll be looking at the diffuser every day, you’ll want to consider the way it fits the intended space.
  • Color–Again, this doesn’t affect the diffuser’s performance, but you may want to consider how the diffuser will blend–or not blend–into its surroundings.  Typcial colors are black, white and “stainless steel.”  Some diffusers even sport bright colors.
  • Lights–Do you want your diffuser to light up?  Some do.  Some have optional lights that can be switched off.  A few diffusers have lights that can’t be turned off.  It’s something to consider, especially if your diffuser will live in a bedroom.

In general, it seems that you get what you pay for with diffusers.  

However, there are a few solid, mid-range options that I’d recommend–those are the two we’ve used in our own home.  I’ve also heard good things about a few other, more pricey diffusers.

In part two of this Diffuser Series I’ll share a list of the diffusers we’ve used, as well as those we’ve heard good things about.  Stay tuned!

[Update: Click on the links below to read the rest of the Diffuser Series.]


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Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Angela on 07/08/2013 at 12:05 pm

    When will the other 2 parts come out. I have the lotus and like except for the bright light when it comes on,,,would prefer one with no light as I need total darkness when I sleep…also interested in the glass ones that you talked about…thanks

  2. Melissa on 02/09/2015 at 10:08 am

    Pretty! This is an wonderful article. Many thanks for supplying these details. I’ve picked up one thanks to your guide. Thank you so much, I also shared your blog to my essential oil team. Some my friends also liked your blog. Thank you so much again.

    • Leia Chester on 05/10/2015 at 4:28 am

      There are so many types of diffusers in the market. For starters, it’s very hard to choose a proper one. They have to read many sources to find information about a good quality diffuser and actually, these features are also various. Your post bring an overview background about how to choose a diffuser. Thanks a lot!

  3. Melissa @Essential Oils on 06/13/2015 at 11:07 am

    we are all concerned about using the right kind of diffuser in our home, so thanks for sharing such a post, and will look forward to next part.

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