Reusable Snack Bags and Everyday Cloth Napkins

For the Love of Earth Reusable Everyday Napkins

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Reusable Snack Bags and Everyday Cloth Napkins

Earlier this week, I shared about my favorite new Reusable Produce Bags from Love for Earth’s etsy shop.

Today I’ll tell you about Love for Earth’s Reusable Snack Bags and Everyday Cloth Napkins.  (Hint: I love these as much as the produce bags!)

For the Love of Earth Reusable Snack Bag, NavyWhen I ordered a set of her fantastic Reusable Produce Bags, Kara from Love for Earth sent me a snack bag to review.  I really like it!

What I love about this reusable snack bag:

  • I’m hesitant to call it 100% waterproof, but it’s definitely the most water-resistant snack bag we own.  I’m impressed.
  • It has a zipper.  No velcro!  I’ve decided that zippers work best for little fingers and for delicate clothing.  They’re quieter, too.
  • The colors are fun.
  • The size is handy–more like a square than many of the longer, rectangular snack bags in our personal stash.
  • Easy to clean.  The bags are made from nylon, with no poly coating.  They clean up really well and are very stain-resistant.
  • These bags are durable.  Mine still looks almost exactly the way it did when I received it six months ago, even after regular use.

For the Love of Earth Reusable Snack Bag

Love for Earth carries these reusable bags in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors–from a 5×4 snack bag up to gallon sized bags, and more.

Love for Earth reusable sandwich bag


Everyday Cloth Napkins

Kara also sent me an Everyday Cloth Napkin.  It’s so adorable!  Made from white Birdseye cotton, the tight, absorbent weave of the fabric makes these napkins resistant to staining.

A wide variety of trim colors are available–Kara suggests assigning different colors to specific functions such as kitchen, dining room, mirrors, etc.  She uses them for cleaning all sorts of things in her home!

For the Love of Earth Reusable Everyday Napkins

Honestly, we haven’t used our napkin nearly as much as we’ve used the awesome Produce Bags and Snack Bag, because we’ve already got a great system of reusable cloth napkins, as well as these awesome cleaning cloths.  But they seem super-durable and I think they’re really cute! 🙂

For the Love of Earth Reusable Products

Special Discount

Remember that all Yankee Homestead readers can get 10% off any orders from Love for Earth through June 7th with promo code yankeehomestead.

Be sure to check out the Reusable Produce Bags, too–I love mine!

Love for Earth

 Also, stay tuned for an exciting giveaway coming up next week…

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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Katie on 05/08/2014 at 2:03 pm

    Hey there girl –
    Here is another product you might want to check out. It is an alternative to cling wrap

    I am checking it out. I think there is a video on the website that give more info.

    • Kathleen on 05/08/2014 at 8:33 pm

      Katie–That looks great! How did you hear of it? (Do you know someone who uses it?)

  2. Angela on 05/08/2014 at 7:01 pm

    So happy to see there’s a gallon-size option!!! Thanks for sharing the products AND the special discount! 🙂

    • Kathleen on 05/08/2014 at 8:34 pm

      You bet! Let me know if you try any of the products… 🙂

  3. Teresa on 09/24/2014 at 11:26 pm

    I know I’m way behind, but I just purchased some of the snack bags….so excited! As always, I appreciate your resources 🙂

    • Kathleen on 09/25/2014 at 2:08 am

      Yay! Hope you love them. 🙂

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