How to Make Your Bathroom Smell Clean…even with boys in the house

How to Make Your Bathroom Smell Clean even with Boys in the House | Roots & Boots

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Y’all, I know a little about stinky bathrooms.  When you add one husband plus three boys plus cloth diapers plus living out in the country, let’s just say you don’t get a bed of sweet smelling roses.  

How to Make Your Bathroom Smell Clean even with Boys in the House | Roots & Boots

No More Toxic Sprays!

Not only is this an effective way to make your bathroom smell clean, it also eliminates the need for toxic sprays or air fresheners.  Those are downright dangerous!  Instead, essential oils will purify the air and provide therapeutic value when inhaled.

In a house out in the country with three boys, a husband, cloth diapers and a dog, I couldn’t ask for more.

DIY Room Spray

I’ve already told you about this trick: DIY Room Spray with Essential Oils.  It works great for spraying into the air and in the toilet bowl.

I love my Room Spray, but sometimes you gotta break out the big guns. Here’s my super-easy, “big guns” trick for making your bathroom smell clean…even with boys in the house!

How to Make Your Bathroom Smell Clean

1. Keep a bottle of essential oil near the toilet.  

My personal favorite is doTERRA’s Purify Cleansing Blend, but Lemon or other citrus oils work well, too.

2. When necessary, simply add 1-2 drops of essential oil to the toilet bowl.  It will deodorize the room in no time, and the scent will linger.

Pro tip: I also love to add a drop or two to the inside of a roll of toilet paper.  Just slip the roll off the holder and drip a drop or two of essential oil inside the paper tube.  Replace the roll onto the holder, and now the aroma will release as the roll spins.

If you keep backup rolls of toilet paper handy for guests (and you should!), you can also add essential oil to those rolls.  It never hurts to have a little extra odor-fighting power in the bathroom!

How easy is that!?  Try it for yourself!


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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