15 Boy-Friendly Non-Candy Valentines

15 Boy-Friendly Non-Candy Valentines | Roots & Boots

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Looking for non-candy valentines ideas?

If you shudder at the thought of all the sugar, food dyes, and sketchy ingredients looming just around the corner in the form of valentine treats, these non-candy valentines are just for you.  

15 Boy-Friendly Non-Candy Valentines | Roots & Boots

As a real food enthusiast, I especially love the first two ideas on this list.  You can’t go wrong with fresh fruit and a punny saying!  Idea #13 involves applesauce, which is fun, and idea #11 could be tweaked to real food standards or used as-is.

If you’d like to skip edible components altogether, the remaining non-candy valentine ideas involve zero food at all.  My boys enjoyed ideas #6 & #7, but I wish we could have tried all the ideas on this list!

In honor of my crew of three boys, these valentines are geared toward the guys but would work equally well for gal pals.  There are so many fun ideas here, the kids won’t even miss the candy!

15 Boy-Friendly Non-Candy Valentines 

You're grape valentine | Roots & Boots

1. You’re grape!


Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots2. Peel the love


DIY Lego Crayons Valentine: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots

3. Everything is awesome


You're all write: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots4. You’re all write


Pencil Arrows: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots5. Pencil arrows 


Googly eye valentine: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots6. “Eye” love you

You're out of this world valentine | Roots & Boots

7. You’re out of this world!


Make my heart glow: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots8. You make my heart glow


Love Bug: Non-candy valentines ideas | Roots & Boots9. Love bugs

See alternative love bug options in the comments below…


Follow the Trail to my Heart | Yankee Homestead

10. Follow the trail to my heart


May the force be with you | Yankee Homestead11. May the force be with you


You make my heart soar | Yankee Homestead12. You make my heart soar 


Awesome-Sauce-Valentines | Yankee Homestead13. You’re awesome sauce


Hoppy Valentine's Day | Yankee Homestead

14. Hoppy Valentines Day


Mustache Valentines | Yankee Homestead

15. I mustache you a question


Do your kids exchange valentines?  What other non-candy valentines ideas would you add to this list? 

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, be sure to check out this list of our favorite picture books for Valentine’s Day.

Favorite Books for Valentine's Day


Avoid the candy overload with these fun DIY valentines. Especially for boys, but great for gal pals, too!
3 ebook covers (1)

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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Angela on 01/21/2016 at 2:46 pm

    Love these ideas! Bless you, friend, for sharing this NOW—you’ve inspired me and I might actually get Valentines prepared ahead of time, as opposed to scrambling at the last minute. ?

    • Kathleen on 01/21/2016 at 9:41 pm

      I hear ya! Perhaps we should coordinate in order to avoid choosing the same idea… 😉

  2. Carol on 01/25/2018 at 4:08 pm

    These are awesome! I love your posts and find them super helpful!Love bugs has me locked out. LOL! I just thought you should know that they aren’t sharing their card. Blessings!

    • Kathleen on 01/26/2018 at 8:15 pm

      Oh no! They must have made changes to their website. Here are a few similar free printables:
      option 1
      option 2
      option 3 (just put a plastic bug in the bag)

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