Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Babies, Kids, & Teens

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas | Roots & Boots

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Skip the candy and the junky toys!  Instead, try these non-candy Easter basket ideas for babies, toddlers, kids, and teens.

First of all, your kids don’t need more stuff.  I promise.  But if your family is like mine, you probably have an Easter basket tradition that the kids look forward to each year.

Believe me, I know it can be a challenge to fill an Easter basket without candy or cheap, junky toys.  Which is why I’m excited to share with you my list of non-candy Easter basket ideas collected over the years.

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas | Roots & Boots

More gift ideas:

A friendly word of advice from one mom to another:  Please do not feel a need to overfill your child’s Easter basket!  I definitely do not recommend purchasing every item on the lists below!  Instead, try to select a few quality items you know they will enjoy, or that they need.  Teach them to appreciate quality over quantity.

If they don’t need it, already have it, or it will just sit around collecting dust, skip it!  Practice the art of choosing gifts–even small gifts like Easter basket goodies–that your child will value and enjoy.

Can you tell I score high on the love language of gift-giving?  I love to pick out just the right gifts, and I really hate cheap, unnecessary, or thoughtless gifts.


A word about candy: if you want to include a few treats in your kids’ Easter baskets, here are a few of our favorites.

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Babies & Toddlers | Yankee Homestead

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Babies & Toddlers

  1. Board Books
  2. Indestructibles – books that are literally indestructible
  3. Socks
  4. Pajamas
  5. Sand pail and shovel
  6. Watering can for little hands
  7. Dirt or sand scoop
  8. Chubby crayons
  9. Pip-squeak markers
  10. Bubbles
  11. Bath toys
  12. Blocks
  13. Matching game – 12 pairs
  14. Wooden shape puzzle
  15. Stacking Cups
  16. Stainless steel bottle or sippy cup
  17. Snack cup
  18. Baby or toddler cutlery
  19. Bibs
  20. Hair Bows
  21. Pacifier clips
  22. Toothbrush
  23. Hooded bath towel
  24. Baby wash
  25. Diaper rash cream

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers | Yankee Homestead

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Preschoolers:

  1. Picture books – suggestions here
  2. Socks
  3. Underwear
  4. Pajamas
  5. T-shirt
  6. Sandals or Crocs
  7. Sand pail and shovel
  8. Small watering can
  9. Garden trowel
  10. Collapsible buckets
  11. Wiffle balls
  12. Jumbo crayons
  13. Washable markers
  14. Sketchpad
  15. Scissors
  16. Mini sticker book
  17. Play-doh with tools
  18. Sidewalk chalk
  19. Blocks
  20. Stainless steel water bottle
  21. Reusable snack bags
  22. Matching game – 36 pairs
  23. Matching puzzle cards
  24. Spot It Jr. game
  25. Instruments
  26. Magnifying glass
  27. Critter shack / bug box
  28. Butterfly net
  29. Insect jar
  30. Binoculars
  31. Kids’ measuring tape
  32. Stubby tool set
  33. Kid-sized apron
  34. Mini brush +dustpan
  35. Hair Bows
  36. Hair brush
  37. Coin purse
  38. Toothbrush
  39. Toothpaste
  40. Rash stick
  41. Hooded bath towel
  42. Bandaids in fun colors
  43. Safety nail trimmers
  44. Essential oil blends for kids

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Kids | Yankee Homestead

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Kids:

  1. Chapter books
  2. Audio books – suggestions here
  3. Magazine subscription
  4. Socks
  5. Underwear
  6. Pajamas
  7. T-shirt
  8. Bandana
  9. Flip flops or Crocs
  10. Garden tools
  11. Watering can
  12. Artist quality colored pencils
  13. Pocketdoodles
  14. Small LEGO set
  15. Stainless steel water bottle
  16. Reusable snack bags
  17. Hair Bows
  18. Comb or hair brush
  19. Toothbrush
  20. Toothpaste
  21. Hooded bath towel
  22. Dental floss or flossers
  23. Lip balm
  24. Lotion stick
  25. Nail polish
  26. Finger nail clippers
  27. Essential oils for kids
  28. Beach towel
  29. Bandaids in fun colors
  30. Small games like Uno, Set, Spot It, etc.
  31. Travel games – my kids love this license plate game and travel chess game
  32. Sketchbook or notebook
  33. Washi tape
  34. Scotch tape
  35. Craft tape
  36. Construction paper
  37. Art supplies: pipe cleaners, googly eyes, etc.
  38. Craft paints
  39. Jump rope
  40. Magnifying glass
  41. Critter shack / bug box
  42. Butterfly net
  43. Insect jar
  44. Binoculars
  45. Pocket guides
  46. Bird guide
  47. Head lamp
  48. Flashlight
  49. Compass
  50. CD or music downloads – suggestions here
  51. DVD – suggestions here
  52. Schleich animals
  53. Speed cubes
  54. Rubiks cube
  55. Yo-yo
  56. Kid-sized apron
  57. Measuring tape
  58. Level tool
  59. Stubby hammer
  60. Sling shot
  61. Pocket knife
  62. Collections: stamps, coins, etc.
  63. Wallet or coin purse

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Teens | Yankee Homestead

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas for Teens:

  1. Books
  2. Audio books
  3. Magazine subscription
  4. Socks
  5. Underwear
  6. Pajamas
  7. T-shirt
  8. Bandana
  9. Stainless steel water bottle
  10. Hair ties or clips
  11. Ball cap
  12. Flip flops
  13. Sunglasses
  14. Comb or brush
  15. Toothbrush
  16. Toothpaste
  17. Dental floss or flossers
  18. Deodorant
  19. Lip gloss
  20. Lip balm
  21. Nail polish
  22. Finger nail clippers
  23. Beach towel
  24. Felt tip pens
  25. Sharpie markers
  26. Sketchbook
  27. Washi tape
  28. Duct tape
  29. CD or music downloads
  30. FM transmitter – for adding bluetooth to older cars
  31. DVD
  32. Phone case
  33. Wallet or money clip
  34. Nature guides
  35. Essential oil trio
  36. Kitchen apron
  37. Hand tools
  38. Seed packets
  39. Sports gear
  40. Swim goggles
  41. Pocket knife
  42. Hatchet
  43. Collections: stamps, coins, etc

How does your family celebrate Easter?  Do the kids get Easter baskets?  What else would you add to this list?


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


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