Lady Cleaning Toilet: Favorite Search Terms from 2013


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Lady Cleaning Toilet

Although Yankee Homestead officially began late in the year of 2012, this year–2013–was the year that it really took off.

As a new blogger, I’ve been so fascinated by all the ins and outs of blogging, including the ways that folks make their way here to Yankee Homestead.

My favorite ways for folks to follow along are, of course, by subscribing via email (you can do that by entering your email address in the box on the right hand side of this screen) or following along on Facebook.

But every day, countless visitors arrive via Pinterest, other social media and regular ol’ search engines.

As this year draws to a close, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite search terms that have brought real, live readers to Yankee Homestead.

Whether you’ve been looking for “cake laxative“, “lady cleaning toilet” or “how to make poisonous aerosol spray“, I hope you’ve found a few good reasons to look around and stay awhile here at the Yankee Homestead. 😉

And to my faithful readers, I’m so happy to have you along as we all pursue a healthier lifestyle.  I’m especially thankful to those who comment, ask questions and spread the word to others.

If you like what you read here at the Homestead, won’t you please pass it along by telling a friend or sharing your favorite posts on Facebook, Pinterest, etc.?

And now, for the list…

Favorite Yankee Homestead Search Terms from 2013

*Poo Pourri–and its many related terms–is by far the most common search term that brings random readers to Yankee Homestead.  What an honor! 🙂  

Not surprisingly, this post about making homemade “poo pourri” is one of my most popular posts ever.  It’s super-easy, super-thrifty and super-effective.  Have you tried it?

Happy New Year, and thanks for reading along here at the Yankee Homestead!
~From “Lady Cleaning Toilet”

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