I’m Back! And (Almost) Better Than Ever

I'm Back!

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Just a quick note to say “I’m back!” My summer blogging break has ended, and I’m ready to jump back into sharing healthy resources with you here at Yankee Homestead.

About the photo above:  Just a few weeks ago, Mr. Native Texan and I enjoyed a getaway trip to the Poconos Mountains.  It was our first getaway since Baby Brother’s arrival almost 18 months ago and our trip coincided with peak foliage in the area–it was just beautiful!  So refreshing.

Coming up…

In the days ahead, you can expect to see helpful posts about:

I'm Back!  |  Yankee Homestead

Earlier this month, we celebrated my niece’s 1st birthday and baby dedication. In the process, we managed a quick family snapshot with everyone looking at the camera and smiling! A birthday miracle!

Almost Better than Ever

Just in case you’re wondering, Yankee Homestead’s new look is still in the works. I’d actually hoped to wait until it was completed before resuming blog posts, but it’s taking a bit longer than originally anticipated.

So thanks for your patience during my break, and stay tuned for many new blog posts and a few changes around here…

Happy Fall, and welcome back to Yankee Homestead!

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  1. Heather on 11/03/2015 at 1:30 am

    Kathleen- what a beautiful picture of you guys! Everyone is looking at the camera and smiling too! (with a bonus cool background). Hugs from Texas 🙂

    • Kathleen on 11/03/2015 at 2:33 am

      Thanks, Heather! Hugs from Virginia. 🙂

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