How to Insert the Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time

How to Insert the Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time

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It only took me about nine months, but I finally figured out how to insert the Diva Cup perfectly every time.

Y’all, it’s slightly embarrassing to write a blog post on this topic for all the world to see.  But this is valuable information, which is what Yankee Homestead is all about!  I shall therefore press on and swallow my pride.  All for you, dear readers.

You already know I’ve been using a Diva Cup for over a year now, along with all the reasons why I love it.

In my original Diva Cup Review, I mentioned it can be tricky to achieve a perfect seal.  In other words, sometimes the cup sealed well and sometimes it didn’t.  And when it didn’t, it was a nuisance.

How to Insert a Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time | Yankee HomesteadFriends, my worst case scenario finally happened: while on an out-of-town trip involving lots of walking, my Diva Cup leaked all over the place.

It was terrible!  I had to switch to disposable sanitary products for the rest of that trip, which really irked me.

That experience lit a fire under me to figure out the secret to perfect insertion.  Why was a perfect seal such an inconsistent phenomenon?

Well, I’m happy to report that the little trick I’m about to share with you has served me well for months now.  In fact, I am now confident enough to go without additional protection, especially on lighter days.  I definitely require less additional protection (reusable cloth pads or liners) in general since discovering this trick.

When I share the trick, you’re going to laugh.  But don’t worry, if you’ve followed my trick, you won’t have to worry about Diva Cup leakage caused by laughing.  It’s so simple.

Are you ready?

How to Insert a Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time | Yankee HomesteadHow to Insert the Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time

Here it is: do a Kegel.

Yep, that’s it.

Okay, there’s a bit more, but these were the steps I was already following, with inconsistent results.  The Kegel was the missing step for a perfect seal.

  1. Fold the cup. (There are two options, as outlined in the Diva Cup instructions.)
  2. Insert, and simultaneously rotate the cup while doing a Kegel until you feel the cup pop open.  You should actually hear a sort of squelching sound indicating a good seal.  Yes, seriously.  
  3. (Wash your hands, obviously.)

Ladies, you learned it here.  I wish you many happy cycles with your perfectly inserted Diva Cup!


How to Insert the Diva Cup Perfectly Every Time | Yankee Homestead

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  1. Elka on 02/02/2017 at 1:40 am

    This is amazing. You’ve convinced me to try again. ???

    • Kathleen on 02/04/2017 at 3:59 pm

      Yes! Keep trying, Elka! 🙂

  2. Tammy on 02/06/2017 at 12:55 am

    I have tried using the diva cup I’m 42 I have had 2 children so I bought the one for that but it hurts to use it. I don’t guess I have really ever to get past the uncomfortableness of it. I guess I’m doing something wrong or maybe I should try the other one? Any suggestions?

    • Kathleen on 02/06/2017 at 4:18 pm

      Tammy, I’m feeling a little unqualified to answer your question, LOL. There is definitely “discomfort” during the insertion and removal steps, but it’s over fast. If you’re still feeling uncomfortable once it’s properly inserted, that might be a problem. Otherwise, I’d say keep trying until you get the insertion / removal part down. It’s a learning process, for sure.

      • Tammy Marshall on 02/08/2017 at 12:45 am

        Thank you I will keep trying

  3. Marjorie Gavan on 03/28/2017 at 5:15 pm

    Okay I am going to try this trick because I have been trying to insert the damn cup up there all day and the cup wouldn’t friggin’ open. It remains close and no matter how much pinching or rotating, it still wouldn’t budge. It’s very frustrating. So let’s see if kegel will solve this dilemma.

    • Kathleen on 03/28/2017 at 10:42 pm

      I feel your pain, Marjorie! Keep trying! I’m betting that adding a Kegel to what you’re already doing will solve the problem.

  4. Amanda on 02/21/2018 at 2:42 am

    What a clever trick! I’ve just finished my first ever zero waste period!! Also my first time using a menstral cup in my life!
    I am a beginner for one; I did notice it leaking a bit which I figured was partly because of heavy flow and partly because it might not have had a good seal. Definitely going to try that next month though!

  5. Moriah on 05/07/2019 at 1:20 pm

    This made me laugh! I just got one yesterday and have been damn determined to figure it out. I will never go back to disposable products again, hallelujah.

    • Kathleen on 05/07/2019 at 2:54 pm

      Good for you, Moriah! Don’t give up. There’s definitely a learning curve with the Diva cup!

  6. Ashley Brooke Watson on 05/07/2019 at 5:04 pm

    I have been so hesitant to use one of these for so long. But I really want to put my words into actions, and I care enough about the health of this planet to at least give it a try. I just ordered my first ever diva cup today and expect my period to start in the next week or so. So glad I found this helpful tip beforehand and plan to give it a try!

    • Kathleen on 05/21/2019 at 6:29 pm

      Good luck, Ashley! 🙂

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