Favorite Children’s Books for Easter

Favorite Children's Books for Easter | Roots & Boots

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Are there certain books you always read with your family to prepare for special holidays? Every year at my house we pull out the same special children’s books for Easter.

Favorite Children's Books for Easter | Roots & BootsFavorite children’s books for Easter

It’s actually pretty easy to find children’s books about Easter.  But what about books that help us focus on the true reason for celebrating Easter? These are a few of our favorite titles that center around the true meaning of the Easter holiday.

Benjamin’s Box contains 14 very short readings, telling the Easter story from the point of view of a young Jewish boy.  This book is a go-along for Resurrection Eggs, which we’ve never used, but I’ve heard good things about.  You could also make your own Resurrection Eggs.  We just read the book, although every year I think about making our own little items to go along with each day’s reading.


Little Colt’s Palm Sunday tells the story of the Triumphant Entry, from the vantage point of the donkey on which Jesus rides into Jerusalem.  It’s well suited for the younger crowd.

The Tale of Three Trees is a beautiful folktale, telling a tale of three trees and what each of them wishes to be when they grow up.  What they actually end up becoming is both the same and different from what they wished, and each plays a part in the Easter story.


The Jesus Storybook Bible is one of our favorite children’s storybook Bibles!  We like to read about the Passion of Christ from this Bible in the days leading up to Easter.


The Story of Easter is one we haven’t read, but it looks good.  Have you read it?

Which books do you like to read with your children as you prepare for Easter?

More favorite children’s books:


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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