Family Favorite Children’s Books Roundup {Gift-Giving Alert} Christmas is just around the corner (yikes!) and what better gift for the young friends... November Nature Study {with book recommendations and free printables} It's here! The Handbook of Nature Study Newsletter for November came out today! It's packed... Running Behind: Happy {Belated} Fall! Find out how I created the "HOME" sign in the background:... Tips for A Real Food Halloween As I've pondered how to address today's Big Candy Fest, I've come across a few... Why I’m Sort of Excited {and a fantastic nature study resource} I'm sort of excited, because one of my very favorite nature bloggers has invited me... The Long Way Home: God’s Provisions in the Midst of Disaster This is the story of how a major mistake (mine) led to an opportunity for... Why She Gave Up on Being the Perfect Mom I love this recent post from Crystal (aka Money Saving Mom). She's kind of one... Exploring Nature with Kids: Take-Along Guides Have you seen this series of nature guides for kids? We absolutely love them at... 5 Best Things About Used Books Old, used books are one of my very favorite things in life. Seriously. I... 8 Great Ideas for Fall Nature Walks Fall is the absolute best time for nature walks, in my humble opinion. Here are... Exploring Nature with Kids: Fall Wildflowers We love to study wildflowers, especially local varieties. Over the past few years, we've... Exploring Nature with Kids: Fall Leaves Today I'm sharing three simple ways to get outside and enjoy the fall leaves...with kids. Fall is... Changing of the Guards: Our Rotating Book Display Reading Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert--one of our fall favorites. Well, it's... Year Round Nature Activity for Kids: Raising Butterflies Raising butterflies is a perfect nature activity for young children--it's fairly easy to do,... Free Printable Activity: Last Days of Summer Last Days of Summer It's hard to believe that fall is just around the corner.... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LOAD MORE