Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart (for a parent’s heart, too)

carols for a kid's heart

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Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart is the third volume of a series called Hymns for a Kid’s Heart.  The Christmas volume is the only one we own, although I’d love to add more to our collection.

This will be our second year to use Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart.  We’ve really enjoyed it, although Older Brother (6 yrs old) is just now getting to the age where he can actually sit still for the whole story.  Last year it was still a bit over his head.

And now we have a loud and rambunctious two-year-old who definitely cannot sit still for the story.  {Sigh}.  I just keep pressing forward, though, hoping that some of this in sinking in, between the many interruptions and outbursts.

We usually do our Christmas hymn at dinner time, so as not to exclude Mr. Native Texan from the fun.  We focus on one carol each week, beginning a new one each Sunday of Advent as a part of our Christmas Countdown.

What I love about Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart:

  • It includes twelve classic Christmas carols.
  • It comes with a full-length CD of all twelve carols.  (The versions are not exactly the musical style I’d prefer to listen to on a regular basis, but they are perfect for teaching and learning the songs: very straightforward with good enunciation).
  • Each carol is accompanied by a Bible verse.
  • Each carol is also accompanied by a short devotional-type story.  Many of the stories include information about the hymn’s author.
  • I like the illustrations: reverent and realistic, as opposed to garish or cartoonish.
  • Piano (or guitar) scores are provided for each carol, along with the full lyrics.

This has been a perfect way for us to begin introducing our kids to important Christmas hymns.
It’s very user-friendly, which is important to a mama of young kids.  I don’t have time to mess around gathering materials!  This one book (and CD) streamlines the process for me.

On a side note…

We always keep a hymnal or two handy to our dining room.  We practice and study hymns all year long, and now that Older Brother is reading we need even more copies to pass around.

Several of our hymnals were picked up here and there from our former church or at book sales and thrift shops, etc.

The following hymnal was purchased new {gasp!} because I was looking for a hymnal “plus.”  In addition to a stellar collection of classic hymns (piano scores plus full lyrics, just like a hymnal), it contains 150 of “the world’s greatest hymn stories,” many of which provide the stories behind the hymns.

Then Sings My Soul contains some (but not all) of the twelve hymns from Christmas Carols for a Kid’s Heart and we often use it as a second copy when we all sing together.

 What’s your favorite Christmas hymn for kids?

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