Children’s Books About Seeds, Gardens, and Growing Food

37 Children's Books About Seeds, Gardens, and Growing Food | Roots & Boots

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As a real-food-grower, homeschool mama, and major book nerd, you’d better believe I’ve got a long list of favorite children’s books about seeds, gardens, and growing food.

I’m also a firm believer in teaching kids early about where their food comes from, and introducing them to clean, healthy foods right from the beginning. 

Kids love to eat, and they love to get dirty.  Which means they love to see foods, gardens, and the good brown earth coming to life in the pages of beautiful books read to them by someone they love.

37 Children's Books About Seeds, Gardens, and Growing Food | Roots & Boots

From toddlers to tweens, you’ll find something for everyone on the list below.  And never assume your kids are “too old” for a beautiful picture book with a good story.  In fact, the more beautiful books you read to them when they’re young, the more they’ll treasure these stories as they grow older.

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Children’s Books About Seeds, Gardens, and Growing Food

I hesitate to assign these books to age categories, because each child is different.  Instead, I’ll list them very loosely in order from younger to older audiences.

1. I Eat Vegetables!

2. I Eat Fruit!

4. Inch by Inch: The Garden Song

5. Apple Farmer Annie

6. Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z

7. Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt

8. Before We Eat: From Farm to Table

3. On the Farm, At the Market

9. Growing Vegetable Soup

10. Planting a Rainbow

11. The Tiny Seed

12. The Carrot Seed

13. Muncha! Muncha! Muncha!

14. Frog & Toad Together: The Garden

15. A Year On Our Farm

16. And the Good Brown Earth

17. And Then It’s Spring

18. How Groundhog’s Garden Grew

19. A Seed is Sleepy

20. Vera’s Baby Sister

21. Down Down the Mountain

22. Garbage Helps Our Garden Grow: A Compost Story

23. My Garden

24. Tops and Bottoms

25. Isabella’s Garden

26. Eddie’s Garden and How to Make Things Grow  

27. Jack’s Garden 

28. Weslandia  

29. Lily’s Garden 

30. The Empty Pot  

31. On Meadowview Street 

32. Sunflower House 

33. The Gardener

34. Miss Rhumphius 

See the source image

35. A Little Guide to Gardening – hard to find

36. A Year in Our New Garden

37. Linnea’s Windowsill Garden

Which children’s books about seeds, gardens, and growing food would you add to this list?

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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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