5 Tips for a Successful Nature Walk with Kids {Bonus Tip-Read Up}

Seasonal Book Display

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Read Seasonal Books | Yankeehomestead.com

Before this Nature Walk series comes to an end, I can’t resist sharing one final bonus tip.  It’s super easy and fun to do, and will add much more meaning to your nature walks…

Bonus Tip: Read Up

Reading nature books is not necessarily required for a successful nature walk, but it adds so much to the experience.  While it may be impossible to predict every topic you could encounter on your walk, it’s often easy to think of at least one or two.

Seasonal Nature Books

The easiest way to do this is to make a habit of reading seasonal nature books as a family.  If you consistently read about what’s happening outside during each season, chances are high that you’ll spot those very things on your walks.

Your kids will be so excited to see in real life those things they’ve read about in books, and vice versa.  And over time, this will build into them a nature vocabulary, giving them names for the things they observe in the great outdoors.

Seasonal Book Display | Yankeehomestead.comNeed suggestions for seasonal children’s books?
Check out our favorites:

Check out the rest of the series 5 Tips for a Successful Nature Walk with Kids:

Can you recommend a favorite seasonal book for kids?

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Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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