10 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Muscles and Joints

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If you need me, I’ll be soaking in the tub with a generous helping of my favorite essential oils for muscles and joints.
My poor back (and my knee) are totally feeling the effects of all the moving and gardening and setting up a new farm and oh, have I mentioned my upcoming 40th birthday?
I’m pretty sure this whole midlife-crisis-farm-thing will either keep us young or send us to an early grave. It’s my fault, though, because I’m the one who finally said “what are we waiting for?”
More on that another time, but for now I wanted to share the oils we’ve been relying on to support our aging muscles and joints through all this lifting and planting and go-go-go-ing, and how to use them.
Essential Oils for Muscles and Joints
- AromaTouch
- Balance – especially for the back
- Copaiba
- Deep Blue
- Frankincense
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
- Marjoram
10 Ways to Use Essential Oils for Muscles and Joints
Here’s what I like to do…
1. After a long hard day, add a few drops of essential oil to warm bath water. Good choices include AromaTouch, Frankincense, Lavender, Marjoram. Do not use Deep Blue or Peppermint in the tub, or it will turn into a bath experience you will never forget!
2. Kick your bath up a notch by adding Epsom Salt as well. Adding essential oils to Epsom Salts and then adding the salts to your bath water will help disperse the essential oils evenly throughout the water, and the salts themselves also help to relieve pain and inflammation.
3. Apply a few drops of essential oil diluted in Fractionated Coconut Oil directly to the problem area. Spend a good minute or so massaging the mixture into the skin. Choose any of the oils listed above.
4. When you find an oil or a combination of oils that works well for you, create a diluted roller bottle and keep it handy. I suggest making several of these roller bottles and stashing them in the most convenient locations like bathrooms, next to your bed, in a desk drawer, etc.
5. Balance is amazing for the back. I like to add a stainless steel roller ball directly to my bottles of Balance. This makes it easy to roll Balance right on.
6. Remember that Frankincense can enhance the effects of other essential oils. Try layering Frank with another oil from the list above. Dilute your oil of choice and massage into the skin, then add a drop of Frankincense and rub it in, too.
7. Take 1 drop of Copaiba or Frankincense (or both) under the tongue daily or even twice per day.
8. I love this custom combo of three oils for supporting my lower back. Since I keep a bottle mixed up and ready to grab any time, it’s an easy choice for applying to other problem areas too.
9. Try applying your oils before strenuous activity. Don’t wait til you’re hurting!
10. Layer Deep Blue oil (diluted in a carrier oil or use the Touch roller) and Deep Blue Rub for more intense, long lasting relief.
More tips here, including suggested dilution ratios.
Extra Support for Muscles and Joints
11. Take doTERRA’s Deep Blue polyphenol complex, which is designed to compliment topical use of the Deep Blue oil blend and the Deep Blue Rub.
12. Take doTERRA’s famous Lifelong Vitality trio of supplements.
More Essential Oils for Muscles and Joints
Have you tried essential oils for muscles and joints? Which are your favorites?

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