Should You Get the Flu Shot?


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The Flu Shot and Other Vaccines

There is so much hype in the media about the flu and the flu shot, but few people know much about the vaccine itself. Or vaccines in general, for that matter.  I sure didn’t until about a year ago, when I finally decided to do my own research.

My primary concerns revolved around immunizations for kids, which is a separate but related topic.  (How I wish I’d done my research before having babies!  If I’d known then what I know now, I’d have done things so differently).

Should You Get the Flu Shot? | Yankee Homestead

If you’ve looked into this topic for yourself, you’ve probably heard of The Vaccine Book by Dr. Bob Sears.  Maybe in a future blog post I will tackle the subject of Vaccines for Kids, but for now I’ll just point out that this book provided my first real look at the flu shot.

[Update: I finally wrote that post here: Should You Vaccinate Your Children?]

Should You Get the Flu Shot?

Do you know what’s in the flu shot?
Do you know how it’s made?
Do you know if it works?

These are questions that deserve answers, especially when we’re talking about our kids, who blindly trust us to do what’s best for them.

Should You Get the Flu Shot? | Yankee Homestead

Last week I had the privilege of attending a presentation on Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment, given by the wife of my holistic MD–who also happens to be a holistic MD herself–and the registered nurse who works at their office.

It was excellent!

Here’s what I learned:

  • what the flu is (Do you know the actual symptoms of the flu?)
  • why it’s so prevalent in the winter
  • how to strengthen the immune system naturally in order to prevent the flu
  • how to strengthen the immune system naturally in order to treat the flu
  • how the flu vaccine is developed
  • the ingredients of a flu shot
  • the documented efficacy of the flu shot
  • the documented dangers of the flu shot

There's so much hype about the flu and the flu shot, but few people know much about the vaccine itself. Should you get the flu shot? Find out more... | Yankee Homestead

By the way, if you’re looking for natural ways to maintain a healthy immune system, I’ve got a few suggestions:

For now, I want to focus on the flu shot.

Check out this 8-minute video, which answers these questions and more. The research cited comes from the CDC (the very ones who recommend getting the flu shot) and the Cochrane Database, which is sort of like the gold standard of medical research for physicians world-wide.

Can’t see the video?  Watch it here.

A very brief summary:

  • The flu shot contains dangerous ingredients and is not as effective as we’re often led to believe.
  • Each year the flu shot is created as a sort of “best guess” by certain experts.
  • If you contract a strain of the flu which does not match the strain in the vaccine (which is often the case), the flu shot offers absolutely no benefit.
  • Until recently, when healthcare workers have been required to get the flu shot in order to remain employed, most healthcare workers (doctors and nurses) chose not to get the shot.

Dr. Anne also provided a more in-depth look at the vaccine and at the “high risk groups” identified by the CDC.  The main idea: unfortunately, the high risk groups–such as young children, pregnant women, the elderly and anyone with an underlying medical condition–are the very ones who are most vulnerable to the dangers of the flu shot, and who are most likely to have adverse reactions to the vaccine.

I’m no doctor and I can’t tell you whether or not to get the flu shot.  But I will say that neither I nor my husband have had a flu shot in years, and none of my children have ever had a flu shot.

Please don’t take my word for any of this!  My hope is to inspire you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions.  Don’t just blindly follow the advice of mainstream officials, many of whom stand to profit financially and/or politically from the flu vaccine, or whom are themselves blindly following what they’ve been taught to believe.

One more video, just to keep things light.  This hilarious clip even includes instructions for making your own “flu shot”!

Can’t see the video?  Watch it here.

 Sources and Further Reading: 

photo credit 


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  1. Kristen Hickman on 01/25/2013 at 1:15 pm

    Great info! Thanks for posting!

    • Yankee Homestead on 01/25/2013 at 10:03 pm

      Thanks, Kristen! (And thanks for reading). 🙂

  2. Ana D. on 01/27/2013 at 9:42 pm

    Thanks, Kathleen! Just in time! I was debating whether or not to get the flu shot for Gabe, since the doctor strongly recommended it (roll of the eyes). I’ve never been comfortable allowing my kids to get the flu shot, and have skipped it just about every year. We really love a homeopathic remedy for the flu, oscillococcinum, and I even used to take it when I worked in preschool to prevent it.

    • Yankee Homestead on 01/28/2013 at 2:36 am

      Ana, I just learned about Oscillo. at the talk I mentioned in this post! I purchased some and have used it a few times for both myself and the boys when it seemed like something was coming on. According to my MD, it’s also helpful for cold prevention and treatment.

  3. CarrieLynn on 09/18/2014 at 2:23 pm

    I agree that the flu shot isn’t worth it and don’t get it for my kids, though I had to sign a waiver at the ped. office when I refused it for my newborn. Talk about making you feel guilty! I have to get it for my job as a RN. 🙁 I also didn’t get but until they required it!

    • Kathleen on 09/19/2014 at 7:13 pm

      CarrieLynn–I think it’s so ridiculous that nurses are required to get a shot. Sorry. 🙁 At least you can spare your kiddos from it…

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