My Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers

Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers

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It’s time for an update on essential oil diffusers!  Today I’ll bring you up to speed on my previous favorites and show you my new top 3 essential oil diffusers.

Why Do I Need a Diffuser?

While essential oils can be used topically and internally (careful–only high quality, therapeutic grade essential oils should be ingested), research shows that aromatic use of EOs may actually provide maximum benefit.

Click here for a handy list of diffuser blend recipes.
Click here for my 4 Secrets to Diffusing Essential Oils like a Rockstar.

Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers | Yankee Homestead5 Good Reasons to Diffuse Essential Oils

1. It smells good, the nontoxic way!

Just say no to scented candles, plug-ins, room sprays and air fresheners–they’re loaded with toxic chemicals.  Try diffusing essential oils instead!  Your home will smell great, and you’ll reap therapeutic benefits to boot.

2. Air Purification

Not only will essential oils fill your home with wonderful aromas, those teeny particles of oil provide cleansing power.  Instead of simply masking odors, essential oils actually purify the air, ridding your home of unwanted pathogens.

3. Clear Breathing

Diffusion makes essential oils readily available to the body.  This is especially helpful in maintaining open airways and supporting respiratory health.

4. Emotional Support

It’s no secret that smells affect our mood.  Diffusing essential oils can promote calmness and relaxation, enhance concentration and memory, invigorate and energize.

5. Good Health

The olfactory system is connected to the hypothalamus, which is linked to the pituitary gland, which impacts key bodily functions such as blood pressure, thyroid function and sleep cycles. In other words, smelling and inhaling therapeutic grade essential oils is a way to support overall good health.

Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers | Yankee HomesteadWhich Diffuser is Right for You?

For details about what to look for in a diffuser; models I’ve used and recommended in the past; and where and how we use diffusers in our home, check out this four-part series from the archives:

Updated Diffuser Recommendations

Since my previous four-part diffuser series Which Diffuser is Right for You? doTERRA has released two new diffusers.  We’ve used them both extensively at the Yankee Homestead and I’m a big fan!

I’ve also changed my mind about two diffusers mentioned previously–one of which I no longer care for and another which has earned greater favor.  Scroll down to see my top 3 picks or watch this video in which I’ll actually show you my favorite diffusers.

Oh, and just in case you’re wondering, it is possible to reap the aromatic benefits of essential oils without a diffuser.  Check out these 8 Ways to Diffuse Essential Oils without a Diffuser.  Still, diffusers are the best way to make aromatic use of essential oils an ongoing part of your lifestyle.

And now, for the updated list…

My Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers (plus 2 more)

The first two diffusers on this list are the models I started with.  I don’t recommend them anymore, but mention them here for anyone who read my original diffuser series.  The last three diffusers listed here are my top recommendations.

Ultrasonic Classic Diffuser | Yankee Homestead1. Ultrasonic Classic

Price: About $60

Run time: Several options.  Our models run all night long, but I’m pretty sure the oils are used up in the first few hours.

Optional light: Yes

Size and shape: Round and low (very sturdy); medium size

Color: Several options

Check out more details here: Which Diffuser is Right for You? Part Two.

The Ultrasonic Classic was my former favorite.  Affordable, reliable and sturdy, we used one in each bedroom, the kitchen and Mr. Native Texan’s office.

Update: I can no longer recommend this diffuser.  I’m pretty positive the manufacturing process has changed, resulting in a few alterations to the design and an overall decrease in quality.  Read on for my top picks…

Whisper Diffuser2. Whisper

Price: About $90

Run time: Several options.  Can run all night.

Optional light: Yes

Size and shape: Tall and skinny

Color: Gray/Silver

Favorite features: The Whisper uses a disposable cup to contain the water and oils inside the diffuser.  This eliminates the need to clean the unit and results in greater longevity.  I also love the many timer settings available.

I still recommend this diffuser for all the reasons listed above and here: Which Diffuser is Right for You? Part Two.  We absolutely LOVED our Whisper until it was knocked over in a child’s room and stopped working.

Moral of the story: Consider placing less expensive diffusers in children’s bedrooms.

NOTE: doTERRA now offers a similarly priced diffuser which I prefer over the Whisper.  If I’m going to spend $90 for a diffuser, I’d rather purchase #5 on this list.  Keep reading…

Spa Vapor + Essential Oil Diffuser3. SpaVapor 2.0

Price: About $25

Run time: Runs continuously, about 3-5 hours.

Optional light: Yes

Size and shape: Medium height, squarish shape

Color: White and gray

Favorite features: The Spa Vapor is very affordable, which makes it perfect for a kid’s room. And it’s available on Amazon, which is very handy for most of us!

Note:  After testing the Spa Vapor a few times over the past year, I like it more than I thought I would. Previously, I was a bit prejudiced against the Spa Vapor after reports from multiple folks I know who had faulty units which had to be tossed.  I understand the newest Spa Vapor models have improved in quality and the company now offers a one year guarantee.

It’s also worth noting that essential oil expert Jill Winger over at The Prairie Homestead lists the Spa Vapor 2.0 as her #1 favorite diffuser.  Check out her sentiments here: Essential Oil Diffuser Review.

Additionally, one of my favorite sources for essential oil tools–ShareOils–now carries this diffuser.  ShareOils stocks only top notch products, so that’s one more ringing endorsement for this affordable diffuser.

Petal diffuser | Yankee Homestead4. Petal

Price: $47 wholesale

Run time: 1, 2 or 4 hours

Optional light: Yes

Size and shape: Round, medium height (very sturdy)

Color: Lavender and white

Favorite features: I love that the Petal uses up all the water every time it runs.  This tells me all the essential oil has been diffused into the air–none of it gets wasted.  The size and shape makes it very sturdy, which is important when kids are around.  It’s super user-friendly and easy to operate.

And I love the price!  It’s a simple, high quality diffuser at a great price.  For doTERRA members, it’s so easy to obtain–simply add it to your monthly order. Love that!

Aroma Life diffuser | Yankee Homestead5. Aroma Lite

Price: $90 wholesale

Run time: 4 or 8 hours

Optional light: Yes

Size and shape: Short and boxy (small and compact)

Color: Mostly white with lavender accents

Favorite features: This is now my very favorite diffuser!  It’s easy to operate, small and compact, and can run all night long in a bedroom.  Mr. Native Texan is a bit of an overnight diffuser expert, and the Aroma Lite is his hands down favorite.  We now have an Aroma Lite diffuser in each bedroom.  They’re awesome for travel, too!

What’s your favorite essential oil diffuser?Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers | Looking for a good essential oil diffuser? Here are my top three, plus two more. Why do you even need a diffuser? Click through to find out!

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Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Amanda on 11/09/2016 at 7:44 pm

    I have the doterra petal diffuser and mine has never used all the water. Sometimes it takes to 2 or 3 uses for all the water to be diffused

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