Health Makeover: 15 Days to a Healthier You

Health Makeover: 15 Days to a Healthier You

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Could you use a health makeover?

This blog is all about resources for healthy living.  I love sharing practical tips with you: real food recipes, natural remedies, essential oil protocols, nontoxic products, and the occasional family resource.  My goal is to inspire you to healthier living and give you the practical resources you need for a healthier life.

But sometimes in the attempt to be so healthy, we can neglect major areas of self-care such as getting enough sleep.  Believe me…I’ve been there!  We can also forget about less obvious areas like setting realistic goals, reducing clutter in our homes, and just living a generous, joyful life.

It’s hard for a task-oriented gal like myself to admit, but all of these things are just as important for good health as eating well, avoiding toxins, and embracing natural remedies.

Which is why I’m so excited to tell you about an amazing resource from one of my favorite bloggers, Crystal Paine.  You may know her as Money Saving Mom.

Health Makeover: 15 Days to a Healthier You | Yankee Homestead

Crystal is a remarkable wife, mom, blogger, and business owner who inspires the rest of us to be the best version of ourselves!  She’s so good at breaking down tasks that can seem overwhelming into bite-size steps for the rest of us to follow.

She’s also very transparent about her shortcomings, which I find so refreshing!  Crystal isn’t afraid to share her mistakes and failures.  She’s a real person, just like the rest of us!

Well, Crystal recently made some life-altering changes in her self-care regimen, and found herself recharged and refueled in a way she never thought possible.  And because these changes made such an enormous impact on her personal life, she decided to compile all of her tips and strategies into a full-length 15-day course to help those of us who want to prioritize our health and grab hold of that vibrant, healthy life we’re all longing for.

Health Makeover: 15 Days to a Healthier You | Yankee Homestead

Ready for a Health Makeover?

15 Days to a Healthier You is a 15-day course designed to provide practical steps and encouragement to start living a stronger, healthier, more joy-filled life.  Crystal shares all her best tips and resources to help make your health goals a reality.

Crystal is also notoriously frugal, and loves to help the rest of us save money, too.  Can you believe that the regular price of her 15-day course is only $15?  That’s only $1 per day for all of this…

When you purchase this 15-day course, you’ll receive instant access to:

  • 15 daily videos lessons — one for each day of the course.
  • Daily projects to help you on your own journey to live a healthier life.
  • Some of her favorite recommended resources (links, books, podcasts) to go along with each day’s lesson.
  • A PDF workbook including the entire course lessons that you can download and print.
  • Access to the 15 Days to a Healthier You Facebook group!
  • BONUS access to the original 15 Days to a Healthier You video series!

So, if you’re ready to start prioritizing your health and could use some extra help to make the necessary changes, sign up for 15 Days to a Healthier You today!  I can’t wait to hear how this course impacts your health and your life.


Health Makeover: 15 Days to a Healthier You | Yankee Homestead

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