Hard Lotion for Winter Hands

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands

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The cold winter months tend to wreak havoc on our skin.  Hands can get dry and even cracked, and irritated skin gets even more irritated. My hands used to be so dry and painful during the winter…that is, until I discovered hard lotion.

One winter I was visiting a friend’s house and she offered me her hard lotion bar for my dry hands.  Oh my word!  It was amazing.

That’s when I started making my own hard lotion bars.  The process is so easy!  Now I always have a stash of hard lotion bars in the freezer for my own family’s use and to give as gifts.

If you’d like to try your hand at whipping up hard lotion bars, you’ll want to check out the instructions here.

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands | Yankee Homestead

If you’d rather just buy hard lotion bars (and a bunch of other wonderfully nourishing and nontoxic skincare products) from an awesome small business, read on…

  • Do your hands get dry, irritated, and even cracked during the winter months?
  • Do regular soaps tend to irritate your skin or strip it of moisture?
  • Would you like to find a nontoxic alternative to regular shave gel?
  • Are you looking for a gentle and effective rash cream for your little one?

If anyone at your house struggles with dry, irritated skin, you’re going to love the amazing nontoxic line of skincare from MadeOn.  Plus, each of these nourishing skincare products makes a great stocking stuffer or addition to gift baskets for friends.  Can you believe Christmas is less than two months away??

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands | Yankee Homestead

I can’t rave enough about MadeOn Skincare owner Renee Harris or the awesome products in her shop.  I’ve been a loyal customer for years, starting way back when her main product was the hard lotion that started it all.

Over the years, Renee has added many more items that my family has come to rely on.  You all know how high my standards are when it comes to the products I use in my home and on my body, not to mention on the bodies of my children.  Well, MadeOn passes all my tests with flying colors!

Here’s what I love about these products…

Safe ingredients

Many soaps and lotions contain synthetic ingredients that can actually make your skin worse.  Not so with MadeOn’s ingredients!  Every ingredient is recognizable, pronounceable, and completely safe for my whole family.  Many ingredients are even edible!

Few ingredients

Each product contains only a few ingredients.  This is always a good sign when it comes to nontoxic body care.

They really work!

Believe me, I’ve tried countless natural products with safe ingredients that just didn’t work.  What a waste of time and money!  But every MadeOn product I’ve ever tried actually works, and works well.

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands | Yankee Homestead

My favorite MadeOn Skincare products

1. Shave soap

Friends, this shave soap was a major win at my house.  For years we attempted to find a suitable nontoxic alternative to my husband’s shave gel.  Nothing worked until MadeOn created this shave bar!  Mr. Native Texan shaves his face daily, and his shiny bald head twice per week.  He loves this shave soap, and I love the ingredients.

2. Beesilk bar

I’ve already mentioned how awesome this hard lotion is.  Perfect for the hands that do the dishes and bathe the children.  Also perfect for hardworking hands of all types: gardeners, mechanics, farmers, painters, teachers, nurses, doctors, and anyone whose hands take a beating or are subjected to frequent washing.

3. Beesilk stick

The awesomeness of hard lotion, in a stick.  I love these sticks for my kids!  The chubby stick size is perfect for small hands, and harder to lose than standard chapstick.  My boys apply the stick to their lips and around their nose when they’ve been using lots of tissues.

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands | Yankee Homestead

4. DIY kits

Love the idea of making your own nontoxic skincare products, but wish you didn’t have to track down ingredients and instructions?  You’ll love MadeOn’s DIY kits!  These kits make it easy with pre-weighed ingredients plus additional supplies and no-fail instructions.

5. Simply Soothing rash cream

This cream is amazing for irritated skin.  I’ve struggled with a persistent rash on my hand, and nothing calms it like this rash cream.

6. Simply Soothing rash cream stick

I love this rash cream as a diaper cream, and the stick is a super-handy way to apply it.  When Little Bro was in diapers, we always kept one of these sticks in his diaper bag and one on the changing table.   Bonus: safe for cloth diapers!

7. Goat milk soap

This soap is my favorite!  It’s wonderfully nourishing for any skin type, but especially for dry or sensitive skin.  I even use it to wash my face in the shower.

By the way, MadeOn offers several varieties of goat milk soap.  Some are seasonal, and some are so popular that they sell out quickly.  My personal favorites are Milk & Honey and Calendula, both unscented.

Get a Free Bar of Hard Lotion for Winter Hands | Yankee Homestead

Happy hard lotion-ing!

Note: whenever you make a purchase from MadeOn using a link from my site, I earn a small commission.  My goal is to save you time and money by providing recommendations for awesome natural wellness products I love and use myself.  Thanks for your support!


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Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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