Get the Most from your Essential Oils: My Top 10 Tools

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools

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Do you love essential oils?  Follow @yankeehomesteadoils on Instagram too!  

If you’ve used essential oils for any length of time, you’re probably aware of all the gadgets and gizmos available for us oily fanatics…

Want to know which essential oil tools are, well, essential?  Check out this list of my top 10 essential oil tools, in no particular order…

Before we jump into my list of favorites, I want to point out that many sources have popped up for essential oil tools.  One of my very favorites is a lovely online shop called ShareOils, run by Elka Engle.  I’ve been purchasing from her for years, and her customer service is unbeatable.  Shipping is free for qualifying orders and arrives super-fast.  Everything from ShareOils is beautiful and well made.  

Get the Most from your Essential Oils: My Top 10 Tools

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead1. Cap Stickers

These little round stickers for your essential oil bottles make it a snap to find just the one you’re looking for.  They’re awesome for sharing samples, too, and for labeling DIY roller blends.  You can order a full sheet of cap stickers directly from doTERRA, but ShareOils has them, too.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead2. Water-resistant DIY labels 

Water-resistant labels are a must when it comes to essential oil concoctions! Regular labels peel off when they get wet, and the ink can smear.  Boo!  Here are two great options for cute, water-resistant labels:

1. The custom designed labels pictured above are available from the Lollipop Label Shop.  Be sure to use discount code YANKEEHOMESTEAD for 15% off your order.  Order the exact labels pictured here, or design your own custom labels.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead

2. ShareOils carries beautiful smear-proof labels for all sorts of common DIY sprays and roller blends.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead

3. Glass spray bottles

Perfect for:

Glass spray bottles come in a variety of sizes and colors (generally amber or cobalt blue). Smaller bottles have misting tops while larger bottles typically come with trigger spray tops.

Remember that glass is best for essential oils!  ShareOils offers a nice variety, including a 2.7 oz. aluminum spray bottle–perfect for use when breaking glass is a concern.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead

4. Glass roller bottles

Glass roller bottles are just right for diluting oils for kids or making your own blends.  5 and 10 mL are common sizes, but they come in additional sizes too.  One nifty feature of the roller bottles available from ShareOils is the stainless steel roller balls.

Try my  deodorant recipe, Immune Support Blend, Sleepy Oils, and more.



Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead
5. Keychain case

LOVE these!  No essential oils enthusiast should leave home without one (or two or three…). 🙂 Get them directly from doTERRA in black or purple.  They make a great, inexpensive gift for new oil-lovers!

Also available on Amazon.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead

6. Storage boxes & bags

At first, I just kept my bags in a clear, upright make-up bag with a zipper top. That worked well until my collection outgrew the bag!

These days I keep the bulk of my collection on the kitchen counter in a beautiful tiered wooden box, and I use smaller essential oil bags for traveling and for our most-used oils.

      • I love the beautiful 12-vial handmade oil bags from Rosebud Birdie* for traveling–such a handy size.  Roller bottles and beadlet containers fit well in this case, too.  *Pictured above.
      • ShareOils also offers beautiful leather and fabric essential oil bags.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead7. Tiny Spray Tops 

Tiny 18 mm spray tops fit directly on top of a 15 ml oil bottle.  As shown in the picture above, you can use the spray tops to spray undiluted oil, or you can recycle your empty oil bottles into mini sprays or hand-sanitizer.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead8. Glass Salve Jars

These jars are great for homemade sugar scrubs & other concoctions.  They come in several different sizes and have a nice, clean look.  Perfect for gift-giving and make-n-take classes!  Available from ShareOils in clear, cobalt and amber.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead

9. Sample bottles 

1/4 dram (smallest size) bottles work well for giving out samples.  5/8 dram bottles are perfect for the keychain case.  5/8 drams can also be used to store small quantities of certain oils that may not be used as often, in other spots around the house.

ShareOils offers sample bottles in a variety of sizes and quantities.

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead10. Diffuser

Diffusers are an entire topic unto themselves.  Bottom line: you should start with at least one!  We’ve got one in our kitchen/main living area, in each bedroom, and in Mr. Native Texan’s office.  Want to know which models I recommend?  Read all about that here: My Top 3 Essential Oil Diffusers.


Wait!  There’s more…

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead11. Wooden pressing tools

This handy little tool is not completely necessary.  After all, I went without one for years!  But A) I don’t think it had been invented yet when I first started using essential oils, and B) I just didn’t understand.

Seriously.  If you share oils at all, and especially if you’re pursuing the business opportunity, get you one of these pronto!  Save your poor thumbs!

Once again, you can find them at ShareOils.  Psssst!  ShareOils will soon be introducing a tool that works for both sample bottles AND roller bottles.  Woot! Can’t wait to see it…

Top 10 Essential Oil Tools | Yankee Homestead12. Sharing materials

The Beginner’s Guide from ShareOils is my very favorite material to share with oil samples.  I also love the Essential Oil Instructions mini-pads.  Oh, and I love the topical tear pads available at ShareOils.  So basically, I love everything in the shop!  I’m a ShareOils groupie, what can I say.  

There are countless other helpful products available for use with essential oils, but these are the ones I’ve used the most.  Oily friends, what would you add to my list?

Pssssst!  If you love essential oils, you’ll want to get in on this…Have you heard about the Essential Oil Revolution?  It was one whole week of essential oil talks by 36+ top experts in the industry.  If you’re just now hearing about it, do not despair! Click here to find out how to buy the expert talks and listen to them any time you please!

Essential Oil DIY Recipes:

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  1. Sheliese Fenn on 05/19/2013 at 9:50 pm

    Thank you for your recommendations! I, too, use doTERRA essential oils and love them! I also love seeing the ideas others, like you, have come up with to incorporate the essential oils into everyday life and share them with others. One thing I noticed as I was reading is that you mentioned AromaTools being a sister company to doTERRA. I’m not sure if I understood it wrong, but I thought it might be good to clarify that AromaTools is not a ‘sister company’, but rather a third party company from doTERRA. They are owned by completely different people and the only connection that AromaTools has with doTERRA is that they are dedicated to serve doTERRA distributers. I have heard many people express confusion over this, so I just thought I’d clarify to lessen that confusion. Keep up the great work of spreading the word about doTERRA essential oils and how they really can improve our lives!

    • Kathleen on 05/19/2013 at 10:08 pm

      Thanks for the clarification! I tend to think of them as a “sister” company because they carry only doTerra branded merchandise, but it’s good to know they’re a third party. 🙂

      • Brenda on 04/16/2014 at 3:29 pm

        I recently discovered that AromaTools is not dedicated to just doTERRA – they have a ‘sister’ company that sells Young Living accessories.

  2. Brenda Harris on 05/27/2013 at 2:08 am

    Thank you for sharing your website with all your information!

  3. Joanna on 06/02/2013 at 1:33 am

    Hi, just found your blog through pintrest:) i was wondering if u ever dilute Terrasheild? will it make it weaker? if u can would you use water, coconut oil, or witch hazel? thanks

    • Kathleen on 06/03/2013 at 12:40 am

      I have diluted TerraShield–either Fractionated Coconut Oil or water will work. I don’t have much experience with witch hazel, but it might be another possibility. If you use water, be sure to shake the mixture well before spraying. Also, many folks like to make a spray with TerraShield, Purify and Peppermint. I might try that this summer…good luck!

    • Kathleen on 06/03/2013 at 12:42 am

      You’re welcome! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.

  4. connie on 10/26/2013 at 12:53 pm

    I love your tips! Where do you buy the FCO and the tiny spray tops that go on the essential oil bottles?

    • Kathleen on 10/26/2013 at 2:55 pm

      Connie, if you click on the words “spray tops” in #7 on the above list, the link will take you directly to the tiny spray tops sold by AromaTools.

      I buy my FCO from DoTerra.

      Hope that helps! 🙂

  5. Lulu on 01/09/2014 at 4:50 am

    Thanks for the nice article. I am new to DoTerra essential oils. I am looking for a glass dropper and saw that you had the exact same one on #9 above (Tiny glass bottle with dropper cap). My question is whether the dropper can fit in the DoTerra bottle ? Or do you transfer the content to the glass bottle with dropper cap ? I read that it’s not good to leave the glass dropper in with the oil because it could melt the dropper.

    • Kathleen on 01/09/2014 at 12:29 pm

      Lulu–You are correct. It’s not recommended to use the dropper bottles with EO’s because the oils will eat the rubber parts. 🙂 Once I learned that, I stopped using dropper bottles to store EO’s and just used them to store small amounts of FCO. Have you tried the roller bottles? We LOVE them and use them for many of our concoctions and blends. 🙂

      And the dropper on this particular bottle will not fit in a doTERRA bottle, but AromaTools sells one that does: Dropper Cap for 15 ml glass vial.

      Hope that helps!

      • Brenda on 04/16/2014 at 3:32 pm

        I learned about the rubber being melted the hard way – however, I have found that I can leave the droppers in provided they are stored upright.

  6. Janet on 02/06/2014 at 1:52 pm

    I am thinking about selling oils. I am interested because of the many uses BUT would like to make some $$$$. What are you thoughts.

    • Kathleen on 02/07/2014 at 12:28 pm

      Yes, you can definitely make money by introducing others to doTERRA essential oils. 🙂 It does require time and effort, just like any other job, but if you love essential oils and natural health it can be a very rewarding endeavor! If you’re looking for a team to join, I’d be happy to have you! Feel free to email me.

  7. Renee on 03/31/2014 at 2:28 pm

    Any tips on writing on the blank white labels?! My ink always seems to smear off but I love having my oils super organized!!! Thanks!!

    • Kathleen on 03/31/2014 at 3:33 pm

      Renee–I swiped a Zig Millenium waterproof pen with a super-fine tip from my scrapbooking supplies. It works much better than a regular pen! I also try to give the ink a bit of time to dry before touching the label. And when I do touch the label, I try to tap lightly to avoid smearing. Hope that helps!

  8. Ashley on 05/16/2014 at 7:24 pm

    Thank you for taking the time to do this. You’ve been very helpful for a new essential oil customer!

    • Kathleen on 05/19/2014 at 11:33 am

      You’re welcome, Ashley! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. 🙂 Enjoy your oils!

  9. George on 03/21/2015 at 4:16 pm

    This is a useful article, thanks for putting in the time to share this info.

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