Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation

Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation

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One of the advantages of homeschooling is that when everyone else is headed back to school, our family is packing our bags for the beach.  Back-to-beach time for us, baby!

Who wants to cook at the beach?  Not me! But I still want my family to eat healthy real food.  Instead of slaving away while we’re on vacation, I choose to cook up a storm the week before.

Here’s a peek at our meal plan for the week, along with some of the recipes I prepared in advance…

Thankfully, three out of seven dinners are covered by other family members. Woot!  It’s one of the perks of vacationing with extended family.  That, and the free babysitting.  Thanks,  Mimi & Papa!

Which leaves me with…

  • 7 breakfasts
  • 7 lunches
  • 4 dinners
  • snack & treats

Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation | Yankee HomesteadReal Food Meal Plan for Vacation


Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation | Yankee HomesteadLunch

How to Can Green Beans: Step-by-Step Instructions | Yankee HomesteadDinner

Gluten Free Cookie Dough Bites | Yankee HomesteadSnacks & Treats

By the way, Game Day Meatballs wouldn’t normally land on my “Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation” list.  Older Bro turns 10 during our week at the beach and he requested them for his birthday dinner.

Come to think of it, this real food meal plan for vacation isn’t all that different from our usual weekly meal plan.  Except for all the treats!  And many of these recipes are great make-ahead options, whether you’re batch cooking, getting ready for a new baby, or headed on vacation.

What are your favorite easy or make-ahead real food meals for trips or freezer cooking?

Real Food Meal Plan for Vacation | Yankee Homestead  |  Who wants to cook on vacation?  Instead, use an easy,


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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