Essential Oils for Memory and Concentration

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With the school year in full swing, I’m sure we could all benefit from a little more focus, memory and concentration, right?
Did you know that simply inhaling the scent of certain pure essential oils can help to reduce stress and increase memory, alertness and concentration?
Perfect for students, teachers, employees, bosses, mothers! For example, I might have a “friend” who would find this information useful as a busy homeschooling mother of small boys. Ahem.
The following essential oils can help to:
- Enhance focus.
- Lessen stress.
- Boost memory.
- Increase alertness.
- Promote a positive mood.
Essential Oils for Memory and Concentration
Try them alone, or in a blend. The possibilities are endless, but a few blends are listed below to get you started. Feel free to experiment!
- Basil
- Cedarwood
- Cypress
- Douglas Fir
- Eucalyptus
- Frankincense
- Juniper Berry
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Wild Orange
Try These Blends
#4 and #8 the go-to diffuser blends at my house.
Blend #1
3 drops Rosemary
2 drops Lemon
2 drops Basil
Blend #2
4 drops Cypress
1 drop Peppermint
Blend #3
1 drop Basil
2 drops Rosemary
2 drops Cypress
Blend #4
2 drops Peppermint
3 drops Wild Orange
Blend #5
3 drops Wild Orange
2 drops Rosemary
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Frankincense
Blend #6
3 drops Juniper Berry
1 drop Douglas Fir
1 drop Rosemary
Blend #7
3 drops Eucalyptus
1 drop Peppermint
1 drop Basil
Blend #8
3 drops Rosemary
2 drops Peppermint
Usage Tips
- Create a handy roller blend with a carrier oil.
- Apply to temples and back of neck when tackling projects that require concentration.
- Apply to wrists and inhale deeply.
- Use at work to remain on-task, especially in the afternoon.
- Diffuse in the classroom.
- Diffuse during homework or study time.
- Place a few drops on a clay pendant or diffuser necklace and wear around the neck.
Who couldn’t benefit from less stress and anxiety, and more concentration and memory skills? The next time someone at your house needs to tackle a project, stay on task or concentrate on schoolwork, give these essential oils a try!

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