Essential Oil Gargle Recipe for Irritated Throats

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Any time my throat starts to feel a little irritated, I use this simple Essential Oil Gargle Recipe for Irritated Throats. I swear by it!
Essential Oil Gargle Recipe for Irritated Throats
Place the following essential oils in a small glass of warm water, and gargle. Try to get as far back in your throat as possible. Do it several times a day until your throat no longer feels irritated.
You can also add these essential oils to a cup of hot tea with some honey.
- On Guard Protective Blend–1 drop
- Melaleuca (Tea Tree)–1 drop
- Lemon–2-3 drops
Happy Gargling!
PS–I also love Throat Coat tea, by Traditional Medicinals. Read more about their awesome teas here: Tea Time: Traditional Medicinals Herbal Teas for Self Care.

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Do you swallow or spit it out ? I ask since you can mix it with warm tea.