3 Ways to Recycle Essential Oil Bottles

3 Ways to Recycle Essential Oil Bottles

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You might say I have a few empty essential oil bottles laying around. Ā Just a few.Ā  A few hundred, that is. Ā Why throw them away when they could be put to great use?

My top 3Ā ways to recycle essential oil bottles:

1. Sharing

Empty essential oil bottles provide a handy way to share a sample with a friend. Ā Remove the plastic orifice, add the sample oil, replace the orifice and cap, and you’re good to go! Ā The smaller 5 ml bottles work well for this.

3 Ways to Recycle Essential Oil Bottles | Yankee Homestead2. Mini-sprays

Empty 15 ml bottles are perfect for mini-sprays! Ā Mini-sprays are idealĀ for stashing in aĀ purse, giving a sample of a favorite spray, make-n-takes at an essential oils class, or even to use around your home.

You’ll need a tiny spray top–see #7 on thisĀ list: Essential Oils: My Top 10 Tools.

A few of my favorite sprays:

Mini Vase | Yankee Homestead3. Mini-vases

This great idea came from Jill Winger over at The Prairie Homestead… IĀ can’t believe I didn’t think of it myself! Ā Empty 15 ml bottles are just the right size for tiny bouquets picked by pint size homesteaders. Ā Plus, they’re adorable!

How to Remove the Label (and the gunk)

When it’s time to remove the labels from your essential oil bottles, check out my easy method here: Recycling Essential Oil Bottles: How to Remove the Sticky Residue.

How do you recycle empty EO bottles?


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  1. Kathy on 05/20/2015 at 4:10 pm

    I leave the last few drops of OnGuard in the bottle when it nears the end and fill it with bottled water. I keep it in my purse to use as a hand sanitizer. Works great!

    • Kathleen on 05/20/2015 at 4:22 pm

      Great idea, Kathy!

  2. Kendra on 06/03/2015 at 12:58 am

    How did you get the label off the bottle??

  3. MeriAn on 08/22/2016 at 10:18 am

    I can’t seem to access the tool list. I am anxious to learn more about the mini sprayers. Thanks!

    • Kathleen on 08/25/2016 at 12:25 pm

      Hi MeriAn–That post is under construction (sorry–it will be back soon!) but you can find the mini sprayers at one of my favorite online oily retailers: ShareOils.

      • MeriAn on 08/26/2016 at 3:23 pm

        Ordered and shipped! Thanks!

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