25 Real Food Snacks for Kids

25 Real Food Snacks for Kids

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I’m hungry.  Can I have a snack?  If you hear this phrase as often as I do, you’ll love this list of simple real food snacks for kids.

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

Pro tip: Get my free printable list of 50+ Real Food Snacks for Kids in my Resource Library!

It can be tricky to find acceptable real food snacks for kids, especially if you’re switching over from packaged snacks.  But with a bit of planning on your part and a little training for the kids, it’s totally doable.

Skip the Junk

Unlike virtually all processed, prepackaged snacks, the foods on this list are low in refined sugar and high in nutritional value. Each of these snacks contain healthy fats to support brain development, as well as protein to maintain proper energy and blood sugar levels.

Snack Time

I should probably point out that my kids don’t snack much.  In fact, my middle guy (he’s six) is the only one who regularly asks for snacks.

He is the same child who often claims to be hungry immediately after a large meal and I am sort of terrified to think of his teenage food consumption…

At our house, snacks typically occur after rest time in the afternoon.  We also pack snacks for long errand sprees or road trips.

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

25+ Real Food Snacks for Kids

The snacks listed below are the top picks at my house.  The list is divided into two sections.

  • Low Prep Snacks are easy to grab from the fridge or pantry, and can even be assembled by the kids themselves.
  • Make Ahead Snacks require a bit of upfront prep time by mom or an older sibling, but are then equally easy for kids to grab and go.

Many of the snacks on this list travel pretty well.  In fact, I often combine several of these “snacks” to create a packed lunch or a hearty snack for eating in the car.

Bonus: Check out my top 8 Paleo travel foods.

And by the way, these real food snacks for kids are equally great for grownups.

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

Low Prep Snacks

Grab and go for most kids with basic kitchen skills (washing fruit, slicing an apple, slicing cheese, spreading nut butter, etc.).  Teach your older kids to use a sharp knife properly; use a nylon knife for kids for younger children.

Bonus: Check out my top 8 Paleo travel foods.

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

Make Ahead Snacks

These snacks are pretty simple for kids to grab on their own once you’ve done the blending, baking, boiling or freezing.  Most of them keep well, too, making it possible to prepare a huge batch to last for a week or so.

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

Always Be Prepared

You know your kids will get hungry, and you know you want to nourish their bodies with real food.  So keep your fridge and pantry stocked with these simple real food snacks for kids, and you won’t have to worry the next time someone says I’m hungry.  Can I have a snack?

A Word About Safe & Reusable Snack Containers

If you’re in the market for nontoxic (non-plastic) and reusable snack containers, you’ll want to read these posts:

25 Real Food Snacks For Kids | Roots & Boots

If you don’t want to mess around with my reviews but prefer to go directly to my favorite containers, here’s the list:

What are your favorite real food snacks for kids (or grownups)?



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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Emily on 05/30/2017 at 3:11 am

    Excited to try some of these low prep options! I am always looking to present more variety & appealing choices now that my little guy notices what other kids are having or just gets bored with our go to snack staples.

    • Kathleen on 05/30/2017 at 10:35 am

      Amen to low prep!

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