14 Ways to Pack a LunchBots

14 Ways to Pack a LunchBots

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Are you looking for a plastic-free way to pack snacks and on-the-go meals for your family?

We absolutely love these stainless steel divided containers from LunchBots.  They’ve served us well for a good year and a half by now, and are still going strong.

If you want more of the specifics about these handy dandy lunch containers, check out my full review here: Pack a Plastic-Free Lunch with LunchBots Stainless Steel Containers, and also New Bigger LunchBots and New LunchBots Dots Snap-on Lids.

Lunchbots Stainless Steel Divided Containers and Condiment Containers

I thought it would be fun to show you what we pack in our LunchBots, so I’ve been taking pictures and saving them for such a post as this. 🙂

Below, you’ll see the LunchBots Uno, Trio, Quad and the new bigger Bento Cincoas well as the tiny condiment container.  (I love the condiment containers!  They’re perfect for salad dressing, hummus and the crispy sunflower seeds I love to add to my salads.)

14 Ways to Pack a LunchBots 

LunchBots mango ham carrots

1. Mango, ham roll ups (Applegate Farms), raw cheddar (Grafton Village), carrot sticks and roasted red pepper hummus.

LunchBots Trio snacks

2. Applegate Farms ham roll ups, Grafton Village raw cheddar, grapes, Stovetop Popcorn with coconut oil, Oatmeal Quinoa Nut Bar, red peppers & carrots with hummus and celery with crunchy peanut butter.

LunchBots Uno with Sandwich3. Ham sandwich on awesome GF bread, with avocado, tomato, lettuce and sprouts.

LunchBots lunches with crackers in Lunchskins

4. Grapes, carrot sticks and hummus, liverwurst, raw cheddar (for Older Brother), raspberries, and brown rice snaps (in a Lunchskins reusable snack bag).

LunchBots Quad with Beef Sticks

5. Clementine halves, beef sticks, carrots sticks and hummus and pancakes–zucchini latkes from this Paleo cookbook, I think. 🙂

LunchBots Quad with Kiwi

6. Kiwi fruit, liverwurst and Applegate Farms ham, carrot sticks and hummus and celery and crunchy peanut butter.

LunchBots Quad7. Celery and crunchy peanut butter, grapes, Crispy Trail Mix and clementine halves.

LunchBots big with choc chip cookies

8. Applegate Farms ham roll ups, strawberries, paleo chocolate chip cookies, raw cheddar and carrots sticks with hummus.

LunchBots big with mango

9. Applegate Farms ham roll ups, mango and grapes, red peppers, carrot sticks with hummus, Manchego cheese (made in Spain from raw sheep’s milk).LunchBots big with sandwich

10. Celery with crunchy peanut butter, half of a ham & avocado sandwich on GF bread, Manchego cheese, beef sticks and a clementine.

LunchBots big

11. Brown rice snaps, Manchego cheese, carrot sticks with hummus, Applegate Farms ham roll ups and strawberries.

LunchBots big with awesome chicken

12. Manchego cheese, Blueberry Muffin, my favorite homemade salad dressing (in a condiment container–love those!), roasted chicken with crispy crushed cashews and blueberries, and mango.LunchBots breakfast

13. Pasture-raised breakfast sausage, Apricot Muffin and pineapple.
LunchBots Trio breakfast

14. Everyday cloth napkin, Carrot Banana Muffin and blueberries.

What’s your favorite way to pack a plastic-free lunch?

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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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