Respiratory Support: Steaming Mug of Death…with a Twist

Steaming Mug of Death | Roots & Boots

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When you need serious respiratory support, it’s time for the Steaming Mug of Death!  My method ends with a bit of a twist for added respiratory power.

I’m not sure why it’s called the Steaming Mug of Death.  It sounds so…ominous.  Unless it’s because you’ll be wishing for death if you get Oregano or Peppermint in your eye.  Please be sure to keep your eyes closed while inhaling the oily vapors!

Click here for my favorite way to purchase essential oils.

Use the Steaming Mug of Death to:

  • soothe occasional sinus pressure
  • open up the airways
  • ease mild congestion
  • support the immune system

You will need:

From start to finish, the whole process takes about 15 minutes.  When I’m dealing with serious sinus pressure, I aim for about three Steaming Mug of Death sessions per day.

Mamas of littles and other Very Busy People, I know it’s a challenge to set aside 15 whole minutes to take care of yourself. But as I like to say, catching it early and hitting it hard is a key part of success with natural remedies.  If you can find the time to scroll Facebook or read blog posts during the day {ahem}, you can carve out 15 minutes to support your health. Trust me, I know.  

The more often you use your oils and other natural remedies to support your immune system, the faster you’ll get back to normal!

Here’s a time-saving tip that will make it super simple to work the Mug of Death into your day when you really need it…please note that in the video below I use On Guard instead of Peppermint.  Either oil is fine!  Peppermint is helpful for respiratory support, while On Guard is particularly supportive of the immune system and is a good choice for the gargling part.

More Ways to Stay Healthy with Essential Oils:




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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Michael Riley on 03/17/2018 at 6:29 pm

    I watched your mug of death YouTube video and I noticed that the picture shows peppermint but the narrative on the video says on gaurd. Which one do you actually use in the mix? My wife and I did try it and it is powerful stuff! I am almost afraid to recommend it to new oils users. I have it running in my diffuser right now. I used peppermint in the mix as that is a favorite aroma for me.

    • Kathleen on 03/19/2018 at 11:33 am

      Hi Michael, You can use either Peppermint or On Guard, or both. Peppermint is especially nice for respiratory support and On Guard supports the immune system and is helpful for the gargling part.

      • Anne Williams on 12/27/2018 at 3:36 pm

        This might be a silly question but when you gargle with it after do you gargle then spit out or just swallow it ? Is the was worried how hot the oregano would be ? I always take it in a veggie cap .

        • Kathleen on 12/29/2018 at 6:33 pm

          I spit it out after gargling, but it’s safe to ingest. I agree about the Oregano being hot, so if you do swallow, just be careful.

  2. Gladys Bertuleit on 01/02/2019 at 12:57 pm

    I use now your mug of death, finally my nose congestion beginnt to move.

  3. Valerie Stoltzfus on 09/07/2022 at 12:56 pm

    I am so happy to have this option to use when I have any kind of congestion starting. Right now I’m feeling the beginning of a head cold. Pressure in my sinuses and a headache. So I got the MUG OF DEATH ready to use. IT REALLY HELPS!!! And I LOVE THAT I BYPASS TAKING PILLS to remedy the congestion! Also have my diffusers going on in a few rooms of the house.
    Oils are sooo soothing and pleasant to the senses!

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