Recommended Family Resource: The Singing Bible


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Just the other day, out of the blue, Older Brother asked if I would load The Singing Bible onto his ipod.

[Note: He received a tiny ipod and docking station for his 6th birthday, in order to listen to quality literature during his rest time.  Yes, it was expensive, but we considered it an investment in his education.  He LOVES listening to his stories, and I love that he has an engaging activity to enjoy while Little Brother naps and I enjoy my “downtime.”]

Of course, I was thrilled to accommodate his request, which reminded me that I’ve never mentioned this fantastic resource here at Yankee Homestead.

We’ve had this 4-CD set for several years now.  To be honest, I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how much my boys love listening to The Singing Bible.  It definitely has the potential to come across as cheesy, but somehow it’s not.

Many of the tunes are quite catchy, and they really do help to convey the Bible’s story line.

More details about The Singing Bible

  • It’s put out by Focus on the Family, which was a big plus for me at the time of purchase.  
  • Each of the four CD’s lasts for about 40 minutes, making for a total of 160 minutes of listening time.
  • Song lyrics are included in a small book, which is helpful.
  • Over 50 original songs are interspersed between the narrative of a grandfatherly reader.  
  • The first CD begins with an introduction to the Bible and its books, and then launches into a condensed overview of the entire Bible from beginning to end.

Our family has thoroughly enjoyed The Singing Bible and we wholeheartedly recommend it to you!

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