Plan a Date Night with your Kids

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Recently, Mr. Native Texan and I decided to schedule a once-a-month Date Night with our kids.
We’d been noticing some negative trends in our family dynamics, and have been feeling a lack of quality time with the boys might be the culprit. Now that our homeschooling is in full swing, most days at home are occupied with lessons, kitchen responsibilities and other household tasks.
And honestly, being a task-oriented person means that it’s super-hard for me to pause and focus on people, including my kids. That’s a hard thing to admit, but it’s true! I do work at making time each day for each boy, but it’s getting harder and harder now that we have “real” work to do during the day.
Since we have only two kids, it works well for each parent to take one child on the same night. We’re still brainstorming a list of ideas for Date Nights with our boys, but here’s what we’ve thought of so far.
Date Night Ideas:
- A trip to the library, especially one of the larger libraries located farther from our house. We usually go to the small library near our house, so a trip to one of the “big” libraries seems extra special.
- Bowling–especially for our 7 year old and Dad.
- Dinner out, even just to Chick-fil-A.
- PBJ picnic on a blanket on the floor at home, with a short, favorite movie or game afterwards–especially for our 3 year old.
- A trip to our local mall for a ride on the carousel or mini-train.
- Working on a special project at home.
Date Night Ideas for Warmer Weather:
- Picnic at a favorite park.
- Trail walk at a new or favorite nature spot.
- Swimming at the local pool.
Special Dates:
- Concerts
- Theatre performances
- Sporting events
I’d love to hear your ideas! What would you add to this list? Have you tried Date Nights with your kids? Tell us below…

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Allow them to choose and/or design the date night….very empowering for a child. They might surprise us and choose something very simple…because after all, it is the simple things we love. ♥
Yes, great idea. Thanks, DD!
Whether the date takes 30 minutes or two hours, the parents are sure to make it special. They specifically call it a “date.” They talk about the date all day before it occurs. They pursue their child’s heart and emotions. They savor the love and joy during the event. And the child feels so loved, cherished, valued, and secure in their child-parent relationship.