Our Favorite Winter Poem

The More It Snows

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In certain circles, I am known for having a song or poem for any and every occasion.

It’s a handy trait, I must say, especially when there are young children living in your home.

The snowflake picture frame (shown above) was a random gift to us, just perfect for displaying our favorite winter poem. We usually get it out in January, after all the Christmas decorations are put away.

As you can see, this poem is just perfect for a snowy day.  Because a snowy day is all the better when accompanied by a Snowy Day Poem.  (And as its author points out, “it’s a special Outdoor Song which Has To Be Sung In The Snow”).

The More It Snows

The More It Snows

The more it snows (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
The more it goes (Tiddely pom),
On snowing.

And nobody knows (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
How cold my toes (Tiddely pom),
Are growing.

~~A. A. Milne  (The House at Pooh Corner)

Note:  Pooh invents and sings this Outdoor Hum for Snowy Weather in The House at Pooh Corner (Chapter One, In Which A House Is Built at Pooh Corner for Eeyore).

For young children, I recommend teaching them the “tiddely pom” parts.  You say the lines and let them do the tiddley pom’s.  Such fun!

The Correct Way to Sing this Outdoor Song

Pooh himself points out the correct way of singing this Outdoor Song, which is as follows:

The more it
The more it
The more it

And nobody
How cold my
How cold my

He sang it like that, which is much the best way of singing it, and when he had finished, he waited for Piglet to say that, of all the Outdoor Hums for Snowy Weather he had ever heard, this was the best.

It can also be found in wonderful collections of children’s poetry, such as The Random House Book of Poetry for Children (one of our favorite collections).

For True Pooh Fans

And, if you are a true Winnie the Pooh fan (and I do mean the original Winne the Pooh created by A.A. Milne, as opposed to the Disney-fied version), you will be delighted to learn of The Pooh Song Book.  What a treasure!

Note:  Our copy has a different cover from the one pictured below, but it’s the same book.  All of the editions seem to be out of print, but used copies are available.  I found ours on ebay for about $7, though I’ve seen it for much more on Amazon and other used book sites.  Good luck!

Have you wondered about the tunes of Pooh’s many little hums and songs?
This book, written to accompany the Pooh stories, contains illustrated lyrics and sheet music for the following hums and songs:

The hums of Pooh:

  • Isn’t it funny
  • How sweet to be a cloud
  • It’s very, very funny
  • Cottleston pie
  • Lines written by a bear of very little brain
  • Sing Ho! for the life of a bear
  • They all went off to discover the pole
  • 3 Cheers for Pooh
  • The more it snows
  • What shall we do about poor little Tigger?
  • I could spend a happy morning
  • Oh! the butterflies are flying
  • If rabbit was bigger
  • This warm and sunny spot
  • I lay on my chest
  • Here lies a tree
  • Christopher Robin is going

The king’s breakfast:

  • Feed my cow

Fourteen songs from When We Were Very Young:

  • Happiness
  • Missing
  • In the fashion
  • Halfway down
  • Hoppity
  • Growing up
  • Buckingham Palace
  • The Three Foxes
  • Politeness
  • Market square
  • The christening
  • Brownie
  • Lines and squares
  • Vespers

Happy 1st Day of Winter!  What is your favorite winter poem?

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Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>

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