Family Resource: My Quotable Kid

My Quotable Kid Journal

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“I may not be able to snap or whistle, but I’m a fierce fighter.”

Older Brother uttered these words one day last December while working on his Nature Calendar.

I would have absolutely no recollection of that hilarious statement, had I not recorded it in this fun little journal gifted to me by a friend.

{Thanks, Angela!}

On those occasions when I actually stop to write down the memorable things spoken by my children (instead of, or in addition to, {ahem} posting them on Facebook), it’s so nice to know we’ll have a somewhat permanent record of their little quips.

Older Brother's Prayer

Before acquiring this fantastic little journal, I just wrote the kids’ (mainly Older Brother’s) funny sayings in a small, spiral notebook.  It worked, but this journal makes it all feel so much more Official and Special.

Older Brother--Fierce Fighter

My Quotable Kid: A Parents’ Journal of Unforgetable Quotes would make a great gift for any parent, or for yourself. 🙂

Find it:

How do you record your children’s funny sayings?


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  1. Diane Estrella on 08/01/2013 at 11:21 am

    Really cute idea! He’s something pretty special like his mom. 🙂

    • Kathleen on 08/01/2013 at 12:56 pm

      Aw, thanks, Diane. Hope you are well!

  2. Carrie on 08/01/2013 at 8:04 pm

    I have this same book, and LOVE it. I’m not very good with journaling, baby books, ect, but I have easily been able to keep up with this. The kids love reading back on the silly things they’ve said over the years. Actually come to think of it , I have only ever written down the funny stuff they’ve said. It didn’t really occur to me to write the sweet stuff too. LOL, go figure. I think what I treasure most about this book is that just from reading the little snip of a sentence my kid uttered that day I am able to capture a moment in time I would have never remembered otherwise. It’s almost like a scrap book of our life in a way. I truly do treasure ours. Such a great find.

    • Kathleen on 08/02/2013 at 11:27 am

      Carrie–“just from reading the little snip of a sentence my kid uttered that day I am able to capture a moment in time I would have never remembered otherwise.”–Love it, and totally agree.

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