What to Do When You Forget to Pack Your Favorite Non-toxic Shampoo


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On our recent family trip to the beach, I completely forgot to pack my favorite shampoo and conditioner: Hugo Naturals Volumizing Shampoo, Vanilla and Sweet Orange.

There was absolutely no shampoo available at the beach house, either.

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Since I’d also completely forgotten to pack a few other beach house essentials, like paper towels, hand soap, etc., a grocery run was in order.

Our beach town–Bethany Beach, Delaware–actually has a fantastic natural foods store, where I’m certain I could have found a good brand of shampoo.

Trouble was, the regular grocery store was closer and most of the other things I needed to pick up would be much less expensive there than at the specialty shop.

What to do?

So.  There I was at Giant: standing in front of the “natural” section of the hair care aisle, staring at the limited selection and having absolutely no idea which shampoo was best.

Truly, I could have just picked up whatever and used it for the few days we’d be at the beach.  But I couldn’t stand the thought of wasting most of a bottle of shampoo, nor could I stand the thought of using a whole bottle of shampoo with sketchy ingredients.

So what did I do?

Smartphone & EWG to the rescue

I whipped out my smartphone, pulled up EWG’s SkinDeep Cosmetics Database and proceeded to look up each “natural” shampoo.

I was surprised that a few of the products I’d have deemed safe scored higher ratings than I’d feel comfortable using on a regular basis.  As I recall, there was also one or two reasonably safe products that cost more than I was hoping to pay.

Finally, I found one that had a relatively low score and a decent price: Kiss My Face Whenever Shampoo

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.  I bought the shampoo and the conditioner and headed back to the beach house.


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The bottom line:


 What’s your favorite non-toxic shampoo?


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Kathleen | Roots & Boots

Let's get real! I’m Kathleen Henderson, your Natural Living Mentor. I’m on a mission to help families see the joy in real food, while finding natural remedies and creating a nontoxic home. Learn more about my story >>


  1. Joanna on 10/10/2013 at 12:42 pm

    HI, i love reading your post! I know you are a doTERRA fan and so am i, just wondering how you feel about the shampoo line there? I really like it, and i know its a bit pricey, but it does last me 4-5 months so that really brings the price down, anyways i haven’t really looked into shampoos beyond that, that’s why i’m wondering:)

    • Kathleen on 10/12/2013 at 12:26 pm

      Joanna, I haven’t had a chance to try doTerra’s hair care. I’m happy with what I’m using, and it’s much cheaper. 🙂 I do hope to try it in the near future, and if I do, I’ll be sure to share my thoughts here at Yankee Homestead. I’m happy to know you’ve liked it!

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